If you are hooked up to sequencer software please read

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

If you are hooked up to sequencer software please read

Postby jmcdougall » Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:45 am

Dimitri and I are in a discussion about dynamic range and I would like those of you who have sequencer software to do a simple test and report your findings. Many of you have both purchased commercial pads as well as DIY pads so the results will be very interesting for everyone.

Test scene. Take about a 12 bar segment of a pattern that utilizes a reasonable amount of snare and toms and has distinct accent hits.

1) Play and record on track 1 at a typical playing hit level ( normal mf ??)

2) Play and record on track 2 at a low hit level (soft p ??)

3) Play and record on track 3 at a heavy hit level (loud ff ??)

For each track and each drum look at the note on mesages and average the note on velocity for the regular hits and the accent hits.

Please post the results in the following format;

Track 1 Normal velocity Accent velocity Pad Type (Brand or DIY)

Snare xxx xxx Roland
Tom1 xxx xxx DIY
Tom2 xxx xxxx Yamaha
Tom3 xxxx xxxx Dauz

Track 2 and 3 repeat the above
Posts: 42
Joined: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:40 am

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