Hi all, (first post)
I've gone through most of this web site and I'm on the verge of buying, I just need to confirm 2 things please.
Strictly hardware related.
Once I've built this device, is it REALLY as simple as pasting a Piezo capacitor onto a pad and then linking it to this system with a big jack or something? - All done with care and so on obviously - but what I mean is, there's no other converter or something that I will need is there? It's just this device, a couple of pads, and that's it? (once again - not talking about the software and PC side).
My second question is on speed and reliability.
I'm looking to use this for live performances so I really need to know from others out there that have built this... How many pads can play simultaneously without incident (loss / miss-hit / delay etc.)?
Let's say 3 snares were linked to the device and all 3 are drum rolled. Can it take it? Where does it start loosing the beat, so to say?
Many thanks.