Explanations of parameters

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Explanations of parameters

Postby Espen » Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:20 am


I've messed around with my MD during the past few days and getting into it somehow. By carefully reading the "Documentation" and simply testing what the adjusting of an individual parameter means, I think I have managed to solve a major of it. I still want to ask of some parameters that are not quite clear to me. Please, the link in the corresponding topic in this forum is quite enough if there are some available.

1. AltFalseTrSupp
Can you Dimitri (or some other) specify what "certain types of pads/cymbals/kits" could mean? When this is meant to be used? Is it something that first try without it everything possible and only just then change it to yes and try again?

2. DynLevel & DynTime
There is an example in the "Documentation" -section but I don't get it. Obviously the fault is fully mine but could someone present some visual picture of what it does to the signal or explain it more precisely?

Maybe the other new (or why not old also) users can ask similar kind questions in this topic.
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Re: Explanations of parameters

Postby dmitri » Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:02 pm

Espen wrote:1. AltFalseTrSupp
Can you Dimitri (or some other) specify what "certain types of pads/cymbals/kits" could mean? When this is meant to be used? Is it something that first try without it everything possible and only just then change it to yes and try again?

"Certain" means that I cannot specify what makes/models exactly. It uses a different algorithm, that's it. So in real life you will want to try both and decide which is better.
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Re: Explanations of parameters

Postby gabriel1712 » Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:11 am

Espen wrote:2. DynLevel & DynTime
There is an example in the "Documentation" -section but I don't get it. Obviously the fault is fully mine but could someone present some visual picture of what it does to the signal or explain it more precisely?

It's for fighting retriggering (false triggering). It adjust the signal suppression after a hit.

DynLevel adjust what strength the following signals have to be above (compared to the original hit) in order to register as a legit new hit and not just a vibration (false hit).

DynTime adjust how long the suppression is in effect.

Dyn means dynamic, so a strong hit carries a relative strong supression compared to a soft hit.

It's the simplified exaplanation.
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