I have built, am continuing to tweak and have many things still to add, try and maybe fail to a back back drum kit... AKA OneManBand. Nothing is better then a picture and some video huh?

And the 1st promo video is here:
I think a custom built megedrum unit is gonna be a perfect solution for me

I also have a thread on drumshed.org about this build:
My history / introduction:
Been playing guitar and singing for 20 years, for a living. For the most part I've worked solo playing acoustic and singing,,, and much more playing acoustic and electric guitar, singing over midi tracks with midi controlled harmonizer and effect changes. Been working with midi tracks for 20 years. Also (for reference trying not to show my ego) I've held steady gigs playing bass, playing bass and keys, I read music, have 1/2 a Bachelor of Music Degree, supported National acts as side man, played the dang Tuba for 8 years in school, have played every type of venue possible:torture tub ships, concert stages, clubs, pool side, in front of the bathroom door and more. I started making money as a busker/street performer and recently I've picked up a chapman stick but at this point I've yet to work it into regular solo gigs. K, done with the ego.
...AND at this point I've done about 20 gigs with my act now called OneManRocks.com
Why do I want triggers?
I already have wireless units for my vocal and guitar. I have been micing the bass drum with a hand held wireless. I wanna add harmonica dedicated mic and if I start to play my chapman stick with this thing that's another 2 channels of wireless. I will need a mic for the snare and am planning to add 2 toms. At a really loud volume I suppose I would need an overhead for the cymbals

My plan with this onemanband drum is organic and visual. Since I'm now planning on triggers, I may change plan from "all drum hits need to be seen by audience" to "most drum hits need to be seen". The visual is a very high selling point on this act. With triggers I can imagine mounting ZenDrum like pads somewhere and utilizing them.
One of my 1st concerns is already answered. Can a megadrum run off batteries? YES
2nd concern is wireless midi, part of that answer is on the above thread as well as:
Option 1:
M-Audio MidAir

BUT the MidAir got some bad reviews and...
In the studio or on stage, as a 2.4 GHz wireless device, the MidAir system functions at distances up to 30 feet with the same feel and response as a wired unit.
Option 2
MidiJet Pro

It looks good, a bit pricey at $400 but for my project it's looks to be a Pro level and worth the money. My Sennheiser G2 wireless units were over $400 each, any decent wireless unit with selectable frequency is in the $400 to $500 range.
There are a few other obscure options but
Option 3 would be build a midi wireless myself, bluetooth has been mentioned but I don't know about the range and the latency. Seems every bluetooth device I've used has latency, or at least that's my perception.
I've got lots of other stuff to get done to my drums before I get to adding triggers but I think I got a plan now.
I'm an experienced DIY'r, I've built these back pack drums, an addition to my house and more but I got to say upfront I hate working on small electronics

And lastly I think my plan will be something like:
Custom build out a megadrum module:
- fit it inside my bass drum.
- light weight as possible
- use 9V batteries (not something I can't buy easily incase I forget to rehcarge)
- trigger wires will run thru the bass drum to other drums
- Mount the LCD so I can see it and controls so I can adjust while playing.
This one is worthy of a babbling explanation. Every time, in every part of this drum kit build that I need to adjust something I need to take the drums off, it's a PITA.
I'm planning on trying to utilize the up and down swing of my guitar strumming hand to hit the hi hat or another snare drum stick. I may fail at that but I'll have to build out U shaped thing from the drum that extends infront of me in order to mount pulleys to get the rope to pull at the right angle from my hand to get these hits... did I loose you? That's over my shoulder from the drum, straight down and then back to the drum under the guitar and attache 3 or 4 pulleys to 3 or 4 ropes (parachute cord) to sticks mount like bass drum pedals to the drums.
Back to the LCD... other idea I have is to use a cell phone mount to hang my smart phone from so I can see it. I cover 300+ songs as is (been playing for a living for 20 years) and remembering lyrics can be fun.
With the megadrum and unlike a premade trigger to midi unit I can put the controls anywhere I want in anything they will fit in

I'm sure I'm missing some of my thoughts that make this thing work in my head. Ask questions if ya want or if you have any insight post a reply. This thing is a compilation of other ideas, I'm just putting it all together
