Multiple chick triggering

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Re: Multiple chick triggering

Postby gabriel1712 » Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:08 pm

Agreed simple is always better, but the purpose of soft chick is not just to simulate a minute detail like cymbals touching before fully closing.

Soft chick is there to make the very real and important difference between playing heel down and heel up. Playing heel down you can make soft landing and thereby soft chicks. If hard and soft chick were defined by the same CloseLvl and only speed+start position made the difference between hard and soft chick, how would you go about making fast soft chicks?

In my book, it's essentiel to the hihat feel, that there's true difference between playing heel up (fully closed chicks) and heel down (semi-closed chicks). Speed and start position can't tell the difference, only 'landing' can.

You and I can agree, soft chicks today are too loud and intrusive but it should be possible to fix the 'volumn' without tossing the crucial functionality out the window.

For reference, you can reload an old pre-soft chick version of the firmware (eg. firmware 20090427 or before). I did it when I ran into the double chick issue and was astounished how crude and 'feel-wrong' it was.
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Re: Multiple chick triggering

Postby gabriel1712 » Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:22 pm

macca2004 wrote:On another note..I switched from my Jobeky controller back to my Roland FD8...The Jobeky's output is all over the place compared to the's yours?

My FD-8 is fine. I also have a Millenium controller (The one with a flame stencil on the footplate, also sold as Medeli/Alesis etc.) It's fine too.

As I understands it, curves are the single most important factor fighting erratic output.
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Re: Multiple chick triggering

Postby anttipi » Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:34 am

I've read this all but I still don't understand the "function" of multiple chicks. It's really annoying when altering the open/close level of the hat while playing. The extra chick I'm getting somewhere in the middle cuts off the transitions unnaturally. I don't know if my settings are completely wrong but changing short/long threshold seems to have no effect.
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Re: Multiple chick triggering

Postby jdigdug » Mon May 24, 2010 12:06 am

I agree with anttipi: the soft chick which triggers between open and 1/2-open is sending a pedal note on and pedal note off, which my VST is interpreting as requiring a cutoff of the open hat sound. The touching of two acoustic hats at the open to 1/2-open transition does not produce a chick sound when playing loud, only when no hat sound is actively ringing. My VST (BFD ECO) thinks that a chick sample should be played because of the pedal midi signal, but a chick sound (soft or loud) chokes all current hat ringing. Essentially, the current soft chick is choking all sound at the transition between open and 1/2-open, which sounds horrible.

I've tried disabling the soft chick altogether by altering short/long chick thresholds to 0/127 or 127/0 or 0/0 or 127/127 and none of them disable the soft chick triggering.
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