Black Lykich wrote:i think you must propose something new and great before updating to new protected bootloader ( anyway my firmware didn't want to update via boaloader). Now my MD works very wellI'm happy!!! now i try to learn be a real drummerrrrrr. thank you dmitri for that cool device! I can't think up idea why i should buy new Atmega. i'll better give some money to dmitri for new firmware without sending Atmega all over the world. And that guy 'll sell MD with old firmware untill you invent something great.
PS sorry for my english(i learned it school very well. but it was long time ago and i forgot everything)
It is really up to you but you are missing a couple of important points.
1. A person was selling MegaDrum for profit without my permission and without contributing back to MegaDrum development. In my view it is stealing.
2. Yes, with every new firmware version I add just small changes, few new features and maybe fix some bugs. But you probably misunderstand how MegaDrum development is done - I make new features available to users straight away instead of piling them up and releasing a new firmware once a year. I believe it is better for MegaDrum users because they get new features as soon as they're ready and also this way I get users' input/feedback along the development. And if you have time, just read through all firmware changes in viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1075 - there are 70+ firmware releases since the first version in August 2007.