Instead of further development and providing support ..

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby dmitri » Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:03 pm

Black Lykich wrote:i think you must propose something new and great before updating to new protected bootloader ( anyway my firmware didn't want to update via boaloader). Now my MD works very well :) I'm happy!!! now i try to learn be a real drummerrrrrr. thank you dmitri for that cool device! I can't think up idea why i should buy new Atmega. i'll better give some money to dmitri for new firmware without sending Atmega all over the world. And that guy 'll sell MD with old firmware untill you invent something great.

PS sorry for my english(i learned it school very well. but it was long time ago and i forgot everything)

It is really up to you but you are missing a couple of important points.
1. A person was selling MegaDrum for profit without my permission and without contributing back to MegaDrum development. In my view it is stealing.
2. Yes, with every new firmware version I add just small changes, few new features and maybe fix some bugs. But you probably misunderstand how MegaDrum development is done - I make new features available to users straight away instead of piling them up and releasing a new firmware once a year. I believe it is better for MegaDrum users because they get new features as soon as they're ready and also this way I get users' input/feedback along the development. And if you have time, just read through all firmware changes in viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1075 - there are 70+ firmware releases since the first version in August 2007.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby Giovanni » Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:27 pm

What the hell, Am I missing something important here? did dmitri release the code under something specific, or was
it released in to the wild? I mean code like that should have released under somekind of licence to make it his own, but I have not seen any kind of disclaimer
that he owns it. Can dmitri proof that it is his code so we can sue the effers who are selling his shit? Because I will not pay five bucks for hardware that I allready have, I'd rather throw in fifty for sueing their ass.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby pfhor » Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:01 pm

Giovanni wrote:What the hell, Am I missing something important here? did dmitri release the code under something specific, or was
it released in to the wild? I mean code like that should have released under somekind of licence to make it his own, but I have not seen any kind of disclaimer
that he owns it. Can dmitri proof that it is his code so we can sue the effers who are selling his shit? Because I will not pay five bucks for hardware that I allready have, I'd rather throw in fifty for sueing their ass.

He never released any code, he released compiled firmware under a not for profit clause. There's a copyright notice the moment you turn on your Megadrum.

IMO the transition to protected bootloader could have happened even sooner.

Good luck suing $RANDOM_FORUM_GUY from $RANDOM_COUNTRY. I take it you're from the US?

Edit: You don't need new hardware, you just need your Atmega reprogrammed. Easiest way is to buy a new one but you can ship your existing one to Dmitri to have it reprogrammed instead. Or just stick with your current firmware.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby carncar » Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:56 am

:lol: :lol: I think that u r goin to make more rich the person that is selling MD :? . Why? just simple economy, if you sell Atmega in encrypted format and remove the old firmwares from the download section, the one that is selling MD would offer those old firmwares (made for you) at a higher price, it will increase the old firmware demand (because they are not available anymore) :( . So I think in few time those old firmwares are going to be available in other webs for paying any cost for them. I mean, many people who has built MD or want to build one would prefer to buy a downloadable program online (old Firmwares) rather than wait a lot of time for the Atmega to come.

You should make a very big Big BIG change to the new firmwares to avoid new MD builders to buy old fimwares from other sources.

I hope not :(

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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby rockdude » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:31 am

carncar wrote::lol: :lol: I think that u r goin to make more rich the person that is selling MD :? . Why? just simple economy, if you sell Atmega in encrypted format and remove the old firmwares from the download section, the one that is selling MD would offer those old firmwares (made for you) at a higher price, it will increase the old firmware demand (because they are not available anymore) :( . So I think in few time those old firmwares are going to be available in other webs for paying any cost for them. I mean, many people who has built MD or want to build one would prefer to buy a downloadable program online (old Firmwares) rather than wait a lot of time for the Atmega to come.

You should make a very big Big BIG change to the new firmwares to avoid new MD builders to buy old fimwares from other sources.

I hope not :(


You just have to wait a couple of days or maybe a week depending on where you live to get the Atmega. If you´ve decided to build or buy a MegaDrum you would have to order a Synthex kit, find the parts by yourself or buy a complete unit from Dmitri anyway. Either way you would have to wait for those parts to arrive too.

I don't see how someone that sells MD with an old firmware will become richer if Dmitri encrypts the firmware? Not simple economy for me :geek:
The gap between old vs new firmware will grow over time and the old firmware becomes less valuable. It's stuck in time so to speak and you can't update it.
And if there's a higher price for the old firmware I really don't see how the demand could increase? You would only be able to download the old firmware and not any updates. The new Atmega has to be ordered, but future encrypted firmwares for it can be downloaded just like when it wasn't encrypted.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby ile » Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:51 am

This was bound to happen, imo. The stealing part I mean.

Good thing you are fighting back. That alone should discourage some of them.

Also one idea would perhaps be to make the commercial part more prominent... i.e. set up a shop where you can see what you you get, with prices etc. That might make things clear and keep some of the leeches away (as well as steering the buyers towards you).

Wish you strength with the leeches, good luck.
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