Infinite false notes... Any help???

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Re: Infinite false notes... Any help???

Postby dmitri » Sun May 08, 2011 8:04 pm

Update the firmware to the latest version to make it compatible with MDM. If it does triggering even without MUXers than search for breaks/shorts between MUXers and Atmega and that you used right resistors' values on the ADCs inputs of Atmega.
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Re: Infinite false notes... Any help???

Postby timekeeper » Sun May 08, 2011 8:24 pm

dmitri wrote:Update the firmware to the latest version to make it compatible with MDM. If it does triggering even without MUXers than search for breaks/shorts between MUXers and Atmega and that you used right resistors' values on the ADCs inputs of Atmega.

Will do! Thanks man, once again!
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Re: Infinite false notes... Any help???

Postby timekeeper » Mon May 09, 2011 7:59 pm

Today I replaced the piezo cables with shorter and thinner ones. The faulty 63 notes reduced dramatically! Also, I thoroughly checked the input parts of the board for shorts and found none... But, something happened that makes me believe it must be a software problem (maybe the Atmega firmware). When I upload some settings from MCT to MD, the infinite 63note problem came out of the blue again! Unplugging MD from USB and replugging it solves the problem. Sending settings again with MCT causes the problem again! I will upgrade to the latest firmware tomorrow as I have the day off and maybe replace the 2450 with a spare 2550.
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Re: Infinite false notes... Any help???

Postby kupooglop » Mon May 09, 2011 10:54 pm

why would you use mct when it is no longer supported???... :?
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Re: Infinite false notes... Any help???

Postby timekeeper » Mon May 09, 2011 10:56 pm

kupooglop wrote:why would you use mct when it is no longer supported???... :?

Because at the moment I am stuck with a firmware that MDManager doesn't support (but MCT does). I will upgrade tomorrow.
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Re: Infinite false notes... Any help???

Postby timekeeper » Tue May 10, 2011 11:47 am

OK, it seems I'm the first I updated to 20110510.
Dmitri, you're great man!!!!
All 63notes from the first 3 muxers are gone, so I was right in my guess, the combination of an outdated Atmega firmware with the latest pic firmware appears to caused the problem. Anyway, I am busy right now, but I will plug the 4th muxer to see what happens!
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