Aux inputs are dead...

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Re: Aux inputs are dead...

Postby timekeeper » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:51 pm

dmitri wrote:The fact that all inputs up to Tom4 (inputs 16 and 17) work and noting above it works is a vary good sign that MaxInput is at the default value 18 (provided the firmware version is 20110410 and above). Of course it is also possible that you have a hardware problem for inputs 18 and above. Note that inputs 16-23(Tom4 and Aux1-3) are all on the same MUXer and so go to the same Atmega analogue input pin.

That's what makes me crazy too... We are talking for the same muxer here! I must attach an LCD fast! The firmware is the latest. By the way: Which is the latest firmware without MaxInputs? I think I would like to give it a try.
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Re: Aux inputs are dead...

Postby dmitri » Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:30 pm

timekeeper wrote:
dmitri wrote:The fact that all inputs up to Tom4 (inputs 16 and 17) work and noting above it works is a vary good sign that MaxInput is at the default value 18 (provided the firmware version is 20110410 and above). Of course it is also possible that you have a hardware problem for inputs 18 and above. Note that inputs 16-23(Tom4 and Aux1-3) are all on the same MUXer and so go to the same Atmega analogue input pin.

That's what makes me crazy too... We are talking for the same muxer here! I must attach an LCD fast! The firmware is the latest. By the way: Which is the latest firmware without MaxInputs? I think I would like to give it a try.

Any firmware older than 20110410. And btw, are you sure your RIGHT button is working?
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Re: Aux inputs are dead...

Postby timekeeper » Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:15 pm

Buttons are OK, I double checked. I connected a spare 2x16 LCD that I had laying around. The problem is that the LCD turns on, but nothing is displayed. No characters, just full brightness. Dmitri, which are the pins that send data to the screen?
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Re: Aux inputs are dead...

Postby dmitri » Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:34 pm

timekeeper wrote:Buttons are OK, I double checked. I connected a spare 2x16 LCD that I had laying around. The problem is that the LCD turns on, but nothing is displayed. No characters, just full brightness. Dmitri, which are the pins that send data to the screen?

Look at the schematic - you will see which pins are going to the LCD from Atmega. Also look at MegaDrum FAQ. Read it before posting in this forum!.
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Re: Aux inputs are dead...

Postby timekeeper » Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:13 pm

Dmitri, you're a genius man! Thanks a lot! I had a cold joint between LCD pin 14 and Atmega pin 21. I switched MaxInputs to 32 and everything is working fine (plus I got the LCD working :D ).
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