HeavenEverywhere DrumHead DIY Instructions available

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

HeavenEverywhere DrumHead DIY Instructions available

Postby stpope » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:47 pm

Hello all,

It took a long while to get around to writing it up, but I finally made a web site with all the materials related to the HeavenEverywhere DrumHead project. This is basically a MegaDrum 56i in a box with a small-format PC motherboard and hard disk (i.e., a 1-piece trigger processor and sample player).

The unit uses an LCD touchscreen that can be mounted on the main case or separated so that the main case can sit on the floor (or in a rack) and the smaller and lighter LCD touchscreen can be mounted on the drum rack. For the trigger inputs, it uses 3 DB-25 cable snakes with 8 inputs each. I built a stand-alone case for the MegaDrum LCD and 4-key keyboard (makes it easier to debug).

Here are a few photos and the system-level schematic diagram.

DrumHead V2 with LCD mounted on the main case, and 1 of the 3 input snakes (DB-25 male to TRS female)


System Overview


Version 2 components: case with MegaDrum, hard disk and LCD at the top, motherboard and audio card at the bottom


Completed Rear Panel - DB-25 sockets at the bottom are the trigger inputs; the silver inset in the middle is the PC motherboard's rear panel; cut-out at the right is the sound card outputs


Version 2b with the case on the floor, the programmer/controller on top of the case, and the LCD touchscreen on the drum rack


For complete details (a long description and instructions as a PDF file, and ZIP file with detailed photos, parts lists, and panel templates), see http://HeavenEverywhere.com/DrumHead

Comments are solicited, and I'm willing to answer questions from anyone trying to make a version of this. Read the PDF doc, this is version 2b, and I have plans for a better (lower-latency and -jitter) version, if I ever get the free time.

As always, many many thanks to Dimitri, Synthex and Raul for their immeasurable contributions!


Stephen Pope
Santa Barbara, California USA
Posts: 21
Joined: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:26 pm

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