Inconstant triggering on Megadrum

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: Inconstant triggering on Megadrum

Postby dmitri » Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:31 pm

For anybody, who is having a problem with PD8 (or any other problem), post your problem description in a separate topic and I will do my best to help you to resolve it there. This topic is not good for solving the problem.
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Re: Inconstant triggering on Megadrum

Postby coralgol » Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:59 pm

dmitri wrote:For anybody, who is having a problem with PD8 (or any other problem), post your problem description in a separate topic and I will do my best to help you to resolve it there. This topic is not good for solving the problem.

Why is this not a good topic?!
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Re: Inconstant triggering on Megadrum

Postby airflamesred » Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:28 pm

Try a custom curve then if that is the only issue. I trigger both a proteus 1 and a DM5, they both require different curves.

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Re: Inconstant triggering on Megadrum

Postby Trommeltotti » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:07 pm

Dear gentleman,

does anybody tested the brand new firmware from @dmitri?

Changes in version 20121203:
1. Some modifications to the main false triggering suppression algorithm to further improve fast rolls and double triggering suppression on mesh type pads. You will probably need to reduce Retrigger to below 5 and adjust DynTime/DynLevel slightly.

Can anybody reported some improvements with described problems obove?

But first we all should thanks much @dmitri to make since years an afford to improve his Baby. And the time will coming that we will have for much less money a great better midi converter compare to ROLAND TD-20/30 modules. (And since VSTi instruments like Superior Drummer sounding much better nobody needs onboard module sounds) But I think it is a long and hard way to do this! @dmitri is a "one man show" and not a global factory group like ROLAND. So we should have respect to this non-commercial business detail.

But in fact: It is probably the second time that @dmitri is trying to improve the very important false triggering suppression algorithm via firmware. Everybody wants to have smooth and brilliant pressroll up to strong single stroke sticking technique on meshpads with a very constant dynamic range from very soft to absolute hard hitting without any scanning/latency time. But on the other hand nobody want to have double trigger (false triggering) if hitting the meshpad just one time or very high threshold/crosstalk settings and so on.

I should say: For a perfect false suppression algorithm you do not need any Threshold/DynTime/DynLevel/Scantime settings at all. I know, this is just a dream! But please @dmitri work for it! So I hope this is not the last firmware update to improve the very important trigger algorithm inside MegaDrum. So maybe in future there is one update which allows to set settings like Scantime - Threshold - DynTime - DynLevel and so on with values nearly (not far away) to zero together with superb triggering results on meshpads.

Thank you very much

greats Trommeltotti
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Re: Inconstant triggering on Megadrum

Postby dmitri » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:32 pm

Trommeltotti, just make it clear, the latest firmware version improves fast rolls/false triggering suppression on mesh type pads whereas PD-8 is a rubber type pad. Rubber type pads hardly have any false triggering issues. Without going into details, coralgol was misstating that MegaDrum cannot be configured for right dynamic range.
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Re: Inconstant triggering on Megadrum

Postby Maylord.war » Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:43 pm

Just for curiosity, but do you try with other different rubber/mesh type pad ?

All of your pd8 pad make this inconstant triggering?

Try to power on your MD with the left button pressed, save the default storage config in the first slot avaible.

Turn off, power on your MD and load the configuration actually saved.

Retry with the settigs posted by Angr77

Sorry for my english
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