I'm new here, and very much inspired by your Megadrum efforts! Nice to see all the development going on. I'm trying to do my own acoustic-to-midi drum kit conversion, and so stumbled upon Megadrum. I'm fairly inexperienced with electronic networks, and looking at your schematics left me with a question.
Various methods to condition piezo signals for I/O are proposed all over the internet (i.e. voltage divide, clamping, clipping). Even at this forum i noticed some discussion on the BAT85's. What method does Megadrum use? I've drawn something (attached) that I thought was going on at the analog board, see schematic #1. Is this how its signal conditioning works?
If so, can it also be implemented as schematic #2? A zener diode looks more straightforward (here with just an arbitrary breakdown voltage), I saw similar stuff going on at other I/O hardware. It mentioned that the capacitors may distort the high frequency signal of the piezo.