I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how to set my hihat up. My system is: megadrum, superior drummer 2.0, yamaha pcy135, and a diy variable controller, mac.
After initially plugging the hihat and controller in and dialing in the low and high level I was able to get the variable sound of the hihat opening and closing but I'm not getting any bell or edge noises or fluctuations in those sounds.
I built my drum set and think I have a pretty good understanding of how the pads and the settings work in megadrum but I am absolutely clueless on how the controller and the hihat work with the settings in megadrum and superior drummer. I've been doing plenty of searching and reading other peoples suggestions (and even superiors manual) then trying those suggestions out but I'm not getting anywhere. As a result I'm getting very frustrated. Can someone please help me.