Willing to share PCB Layout?

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Willing to share PCB Layout?

Postby cjaldous » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:02 pm

Does anyone have a layout or schematic capture of the 56i board that would be willing to share? Perhaps in something compatible with Eagle?
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Re: Willing to share PCB Layout?

Postby timekeeper » Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:51 pm

cjaldous wrote:Does anyone have a layout or schematic capture of the 56i board that would be willing to share? Perhaps in something compatible with Eagle?

I believe the schematics are freely available by Dmitri at http://www.megadrum.info

EDIT: My bad... The schematics are included in Synthex's v3.2 kit manual. Search in this forum and you 'll find it.
EDIT2: Here it is: download/file.php?id=1980
Look in the last page.
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Re: Willing to share PCB Layout?

Postby cjaldous » Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:01 am

Perhaps it's a question of the correct modification, but the only captured schematics and layouts available seem to be for the 32 input version.
I was just hoping someone had a 56 input layout file they would be willing to share.
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Re: Willing to share PCB Layout?

Postby timekeeper » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:15 pm

cjaldous wrote:Perhaps it's a question of the correct modification, but the only captured schematics and layouts available seem to be for the 32 input version.
I was just hoping someone had a 56 input layout file they would be willing to share.

Are you sure that you red my previous post???
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Re: Willing to share PCB Layout?

Postby cjaldous » Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:52 am

Sorry timekeeper, I don't think your edits were there when I replied.

The PDF is helpful, but I was hoping someone had actually captured the schematic and created a CAD type layout file. They're sometimes called Gerber files.
One that could be sent digitally to a pcb fabricator so that I could have one or two pcbs made for the Atmegas I'm buying. Similar to the pcb you could buy through Synthex.

But it seems Synthex has dropped off the radar for now.
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Re: Willing to share PCB Layout?

Postby mbira » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:05 pm

You are asking for a layout not a schematic. The schematic is in the above PDF.
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Re: Willing to share PCB Layout?

Postby gide_x » Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:13 am

Hi !

I'm certainly too late, but I would share the PCB design I've "re-made" for my personal use.

The main PCB is a Synthex clone v3.2 (design based on original Synthex PCB photos). The rev2 by me, is only adding a "memory option" connector, to connect the external memory (PCB design also provided).

The PCB was tested and I can say you that it works :)

I'm also posting PCB design for my front panel (for big screen 2x16 7.76mm "DEM 16214 SBH-PW-N", MIDI led, and keys - not encoders !). With this PCB, I've done after one more hole to fix it near the left key... because when you press the key, the board was going back... not very nice :roll:

Hope this would help...

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Last edited by gide_x on Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Willing to share PCB Layout?

Postby gide_x » Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:46 am

P.S: (and sorry for my bad english...)

Just to give you a "tips" if you want to make your custom PCB....

You certainly know that double-sided PCB are not easy to do yourself at home (but possible)...

For me and for this project, I want a good quality double sided PCB with a protection mask and silk. After many days of research, I've found an internet site that could provide "Prototype series" (one shot) with my wanted specifications and for a price I've never seen before !!!!!


Olimex is very friendly and has a good service too: I had ask it about a detail by email, and I've received the answer next morning.

Here you can see, the PCB I've received:


The quality of PCB is perfect, witout error..... The only thing you must be carfull with is the protection mask (you can see little scratches I've made under the front board).... Don't forget that is Prototype Serie !!!!

An other thing: read very carefully the olimex's faq ... because to provide pcbs for best price, they have some standardized values and specifications (like borders, hole, ....) to respect.

In all cases, if I must order some other Prototype PCBs I would only work with Olimex, and I recommend it :)

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Re: Willing to share PCB Layout?

Postby drumwide » Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:41 pm

thanx exactly what i was looking for. I was planning on ordering from olimex too. Good to know ill be getting a quality product.
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Re: Willing to share PCB Layout?

Postby levent » Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:34 pm

The CAD or Gerber files are not that easily available as companies mostly don’t like to be imitated that easily. You can however design the schematic accordingly, import the design to eagle, do some routing and get the Gerber files for the PCB manufacturers. Secondly, I’ve recently been hearing a lot about olimex.com and I’m thinking about trying it now. Thanks guys.
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