Diy cymbal designes? what should I do?

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Diy cymbal designes? what should I do?

Postby cagrisari » Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:51 pm

Hi there,
I'm going to set cymbals.
There are different designes. Which design fit for Megadrum? I am going to try each one 3 zone Ride with choke, 2zone Crash with choke and 2 zone Hi-hat.
Which design is easy to set and use for Megadrum?
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Re: Diy cymbal designes? what should I do?

Postby dmitri » Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:39 pm

Mechanically, both Roland and Yamaha style 3 zone cymbals use the same design, i.e. a piezo for the bow and two switches - one for the edge and one for the bell. Electrically, Yamaha style 3 zone cymbals are better since they use the same input for both the edge (via a 10k resistor) and the bell switches so only one stereo jack is being used on MegaDrum. Roland style 3 zone cymbals use two stereo jacks.
Setting up either type is equally easy (difficult?) and mainly requires right settings for Thresholds/BThresholds. See viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1968 right at the top of this subforum and ... one-cymbal in the MegaDrum Documentation.
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Re: Diy cymbal designes? what should I do?

Postby cagrisari » Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:51 pm

Thank you.
Can you(not dmitri, I know you didnt try diy project:) share yamaha style 3 zone with choke diy cymbal projects,chematics,pictures or circuit.
Okay I decided yamaha style cymbals but I have not any chematic or picture.
---Is there any yamaha style diy 2 zone hi-hat cymbal pictures or chematics?
Posts: 26
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:32 pm

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