IDEA: Midi Channel Switch

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

IDEA: Midi Channel Switch

Postby einkahumor » Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:47 am


I've been wondering: Wouldn't it be great if you could use an input (any input set to switch, I guess) on MD to select between two Midi channels? My reason for suggesting this is that this way you could manually select between two instances of Superior Drummer (or any other vsti).

You could, for example, rig up a switch on a snare drum strainer and run two identical instances of SD but with one of them set to "snare wires off". That way you could actually switch the snare wires off and on on-the-fly.

Obviously, there's lots of other use cases for running separate vsti's on separate midi channels and switching between.

What do you guys think? Can it be done already?
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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:02 pm

Re: IDEA: Midi Channel Switch

Postby airflamesred » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:56 am

Its a maybe.

The problem still remains that to have a switch on the side could be troublesome or having a dedicated pad which, conceivably, could contain the alternate sample.

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Re: IDEA: Midi Channel Switch

Postby devirsefa » Sun Nov 03, 2013 3:55 am

I think this idea is very senseful and possible. I will try İt.
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