Two different notes in turns on hit

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: Two different notes in turns on hit

Postby bertbertbertbert » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:56 pm

Thanks alot, I will try that. But i just don't get why this 63 note is coming through even when i set everything to 0.

Just to be sure, I can connect a piezo directly to the board, without a jack connection inbetween, right? And I can connect the ground from piezo ring to piezo ring?
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Re: Two different notes in turns on hit

Postby dmitri » Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:35 pm

bertbertbertbert wrote:Thanks alot, I will try that. But i just don't get why this 63 note is coming through even when i set everything to 0.

It must have been set somewhere, you just overlooked it. It cannot come from nowhere.

Just to be sure, I can connect a piezo directly to the board, without a jack connection inbetween, right?

Why not? Of course you can. Just make sure you identified the ground pins correctly.

And I can connect the ground from piezo ring to piezo ring?

If you mean jacks, then the ground pin on all jacks is a sleeve pin. If you use stereo jacks, the tip pin is for heads/bows and the ring is for rims/edges.
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Re: Two different notes in turns on hit

Postby bertbertbertbert » Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:11 pm

Did that and finally it worked, thanks a lot!
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Re: Two different notes in turns on hit

Postby bertbertbertbert » Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:36 pm

After this working for a while and after that me not using megadrum for a while, the '63'-problem is back:

Whenever i turn on megadrum note 63 will sound at least 3 times a second. I see 63 notes popping up all the time in the visual midi screen, in the raw midi screen i see note D #4 popping up all the time. However when i set a note to 63, it says note 63 is a D #2.

When I set input 9, which is set to note 63, to 0 on note/altnote/pressrollnote, note 63 still pops up. No other input is set to 63. Any ideas how to solve this?
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Re: Two different notes in turns on hit

Postby dmitri » Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:14 pm

bertbertbertbert wrote:After this working for a while and after that me not using megadrum for a while, the '63'-problem is back:

Whenever i turn on megadrum note 63 will sound at least 3 times a second. I see 63 notes popping up all the time in the visual midi screen, in the raw midi screen i see note D #4 popping up all the time. However when i set a note to 63, it says note 63 is a D #2.

Set OctaveShift in MegaDrum Misc settings to your liking.

When I set input 9, which is set to note 63, to 0 on note/altnote/pressrollnote, note 63 still pops up. No other input is set to 63. Any ideas how to solve this?

I can only repeat myself here - it must have been set somewhere, you just overlooked it. It cannot come from nowhere.
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