Snare rim piezzo is sending aftertouch

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Snare rim piezzo is sending aftertouch

Postby semihkavala » Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:54 pm

I'm using diy 2 zone snare with megadrum 56 input module that has alesis cabling design to connected input 10/11. I added 10k resistor between tip and sleeve at the output of pad for cooling the head piezo and this 2 zone snare was working perfectly until yesterday. Also I made 3 zone piezo/piezo/switch cymbal that connected to 8/9 input. When I hit to the rim of the snare, rim piezo send the aftertouch message and I cannot get any sound from snare (also I cannot get any midi mesaage from head or rim) until hit to the hit to the cymbal bow. I'm getting rim sound from cymbal at the first hit (unlock the aftertouch with rim sound). So How can I prevent to send aftertouch message of rim piezo and how these two input can be associated with each other. Snare has own stand and perfectly isolated from all parts

I tried every trigger type from mdm for snare but I couldn't solve the problem. Also roland cymbal type selected for 3 zone cymbal.
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Re: Snare rim piezzo is sending aftertouch

Postby dmitri » Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:20 pm

semihkavala wrote:Hello
I'm using diy 2 zone snare with megadrum 56 input module that has alesis cabling design to connected input 10/11. I added 10k resistor between tip and sleeve at the output of pad for cooling the head piezo and this 2 zone snare was working perfectly until yesterday.

A resistor for "cooling" a piezo must be connected in-line of the signal wire (tip in your case), not between tip and sleeve.

Also I made 3 zone piezo/piezo/switch cymbal that connected to 8/9 input. When I hit to the rim of the snare, rim piezo send the aftertouch message and I cannot get any sound from snare (also I cannot get any midi mesaage from head or rim) until hit to the hit to the cymbal bow. I'm getting rim sound from cymbal at the first hit (unlock the aftertouch with rim sound). So How can I prevent to send aftertouch message of rim piezo and how these two input can be associated with each other. Snare has own stand and perfectly isolated from all parts

I tried every trigger type from mdm for snare but I couldn't solve the problem. Also roland cymbal type selected for 3 zone cymbal.

First, Roland type 3 zone cymbals use 2 subsequent stereo jacks and it must be connected with two cables to these jacks. You say that you connect the cymbal to inputs 8/9 and the snare to 10/11 so that means it is no a Roland type cymbal. If you configured inputs 8/9 as Roland 3way then you cannon use inputs 10/11 for any other pads/cymbals.
Second, both Roland and Yamaha 3 zone cymbals use piezo/switch/switch design, not piezo/piezo/switch.
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Re: Snare rim piezzo is sending aftertouch

Postby semihkavala » Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:00 pm

Tahank you dmitri
I wanted to say piezo/piezo/switch. This is my mistake. Also I didn't make bell connection to the module for isolate the problem.

I will try everything after remove the resistor.
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Re: Snare rim piezzo is sending aftertouch

Postby xendhridea » Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:03 pm

Hello Dmitri
I moved the snare to 52/53 from 10/11 and problem seems solved

You said "If you configured inputs 8/9 as Roland 3way then you cannon use inputs 10/11 for any other pads/cymbals." As far as I understand CANNON is a general rule for MD module when we choose 3way roland, is it correct?

Many Thanks
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Re: Snare rim piezzo is sending aftertouch

Postby dmitri » Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:56 pm

What is CANNON?
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