ignotus wrote:They go in the pedal notes settings. As you ony have 4 articulations in MD and drummic'a has 6, I'd leave out 60 and another one and assign the other 4 depending on how they sound. I don't know what "loose" or "trashopen" sound like.
As for your cymbal config - isn't the hi hat a 3-zone cymbal? Anyway, are you sure you have the correct threshold for the edge? Does it send aftertouch messages when you press it? Also, are those highlevels ok? If so, you should untick the HighLvl Auto box. You also seem to have assigned the same note to bow and edge, is this because there is only one articulation in drummic'a?
Thanasis wrote:What exactly do the highlevels stand for?
0,178 10 0x99 0x13 0x00 G 0 Note Off
0,180 10 0x99 0x13 0x0c G 0 Note On
0,199 10 0x99 0x13 0x00 G 0 Note Off
4,465 10 0x99 0x13 0x22 G 0 Note On
0,194 10 0x99 0x13 0x00 G 0 Note Off
0,193 10 0x99 0x13 0x0c G 0 Note On
0,115 10 0x99 0x13 0x00 G 0 Note Off
0,001 10 0x99 0x13 0x0c G 0 Note On
0,074 10 0x99 0x13 0x00 G 0 Note Off
0,001 10 0x99 0x13 0x01 G 0 Note On
0,103 10 0x99 0x13 0x00 G 0 Note Off
0,001 10 0x99 0x13 0x1d G 0 Note On
0,159 10 0x99 0x13 0x00 G 0 Note Off
Thanasis wrote:In 3 zone of pads what values must be entered?note,altnote,pressroll,dumpened
and midpoint?
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