Ride triggers on snare pad

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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby dmitri » Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:54 pm

hurstaudio1 wrote:I
Why would one physical input cause another input to trigger the note assigned to a totally different input. It is as if this module is completely unpredictable.

I ask screenshots of settings for a reason. E.g. configuring input 4 as a 3way Roland will treat next 3 inputs as a part of a Roland 3way cymbal thus preventing input 6 from working as a standalone input or whichever way you configured input 6.
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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby hurstaudio1 » Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:50 am

Oh, that was the answer I needed. I don't remember seeing this in the documentation. I removed the Y splitter and used another input for the bell Unfortunately I'm not sure I'll be able to use the 2 zones on the ride bow and edge... When I strike the bell now I still get the sound of the bow. This might have something to do with cross talk but not quite certain how to go about separating these 2 since they are on the same cymbal.

Can you give me a quick and dirty explanation of how to get a go Edrum controler working with this module? A little more info than what little is written in the documentation. I'm using mt power drum kit vst for testing and this may not have all the notes I need. I can't use superior drummer as I don't have anyone to help me register it as the entire interface is one big graphic.

Will you consider revamping the interface to mdm? I'm really serious when I say it is a nightmare to use with a keyboard, it really is. I suggest you fix a bug wherein even though under the options you select to autoconnect to the midi interface it never does I have to keep going into options and selecting it no matter how many times I check the box to have it autoconnect. The next bigger issue is you have every pannel showing. Every time I launch mdm I have to set my midi interface in options and then go into view and hide every pannel except for what I'm working with, really annoying. Please change this to a tabular interface, one which can be switched with control+tab, please. This way it would be easier to navigate between screens. I'm sure this wouldn't be a big deal. It would be a much better user experience.
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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby airflamesred » Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:56 am

You really should read the documentation, all the problems you have there are user error.
Does the go edrum have USB? Can you bypass the internal trigger interface?

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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby dmitri » Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:13 pm

hurstaudio1 wrote:Can you give me a quick and dirty explanation of how to get a go Edrum controler working with this module? A little more info than what little is written in the documentation. I'm using mt power drum kit vst for testing and this may not have all the notes I need. I can't use superior drummer as I don't have anyone to help me register it as the entire interface is one big graphic.

You mean piezo/piezo/switch cymbal? I've never had such cymbals to test with. Most 3 zone cymbals/pads are made as piezo/switch/switch so I can make only theoretical suggestion using inputs 18/19/20/21 as an example.
1. Connect one piezo to input 18. It will be bow.
2. Connect second piezo to input 20. It will be bell.
3. Connect switch to inputs 19 and 21. It will be edge.
4. Configure inputs 18/19 as a dual piezo/switch cymbal.
5. Configure inputs 20/21 as a dual piezo/switch cymbal.
6. Make sure switch inputs 19 and 21 are configured with the same Note.
7. Place all inputs in the same XTalkGroup separate from all other inputs.

Every time I launch mdm I have to set my midi interface in options and then go into view and hide every pannel except for what I'm working with, really annoying.

In my tests it remembers the last configured and used MIDI ports. Maybe you have folders/files permissions problem and MDMFX cannot write or read its megadrummanagerfx.cfg file?

Please change this to a tabular interface, one which can be switched with control+tab, please. This way it would be easier to navigate between screens. I'm sure this wouldn't be a big deal. It would be a much better user experience.

MDMFX is open source and somebody here made a version with tabbed interface but as far as I remember nobody was interested.
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