diy 3-zone ride Roland compatible

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: diy 3-zone ride Roland compatible

Postby stefan1982 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:00 pm

airflamesred wrote:
stefan1982 wrote:Well, to answer your question.. In the future I will own a Roland TD-30

Why on earth, Sir, Do you wish to own a TD 30, may I ask?

Because of simplicity... Let's keep it that way..

Re: diy 3-zone ride Roland compatible

Postby Irish916 » Sat Jan 12, 2019 12:45 am

Apologies for unearthing an old thread. I recently purchased a TD17 Module and I'd like to modify my Pintech PC series ride to work with the Roland module. I'm thinking of converting it to a 3 zone setup like the one depicted in this thread. I'm having a hard time following along with the schematic. Is anyone aware if a step by step tutorial exists somewhere in the ether that can hold my hand through this process. I would prefer not to buy a Roland 3 zone ride if I can help it. :)
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