Newbie questions and comments thread

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Newbie questions and comments thread

Postby wenzelranch » Thu Oct 03, 2019 8:18 pm

Hello Forum, I am new to the megadrum family, just received a 56 input built unit from the man several weeks ago.
I am no stranger to computers, software and midi.
I am coming from a frankenstein kit that consisted of a td12 brain, a td6 brain, the full td12 kit plus most of the pads and cymbals from the td6.
I was running them into a midi out- midi thru config with separate note numbers assigned to each trigger.
My reason for trying the megadrum route was simple, to get all my triggers going into one interface, also the tweaking that could be done to improve triggering once configured.

I was able to get most of my pads configured just fine, still working on a PD-125 snare ( my unit does positional sensing) Almost have this one setup.
I have been really struggling with several other things though. i have read the documentation cover to cover several times, poured over the forums by browsing and in depth searching.
So i guess at this point I am just reaching out for help if anyone feels like it.
Drumming is a hobby, not a profession in my case so I do have time to keep learning. It is just the last week i have spent 6 hours a night trying to get three things working and am starting to run in circles.
So here are my initial questions/ problems.
is there a factory reset option on the unit?, wondering because starting over seems like an good option at this point.
I have tried holding the selection button down on boot, I did a save all before i really did anything, Do i just load that? does it overwrite all banks etc..

I am having a heck of a time getting a roland CY-15 R working.
I was close for a while but last night it was only getting worse following the roland 3way cymbal guides.
during the 6th step it mentions use 'Set All EdgeSw' option to auto-set Threshold on Aux1 Rim and Aux2 Rim" I did not see this option in fxmanager, so i tried to do it on the unit itself.
When i set it to yes do i just leave it, or am i supposed to push the button to commit (like an enter key) when i do that i just get """Working"""" on the display that never goes away.

I have tried downloading some of the presets people mention or offer, but am having worse or no luck with them than making my own.( are the settings for older firmware and do not work due to newer firmware i am running?)
I understand the threshold and other settings and how they interplay and effect each other. but was getting some pretty weird issues last night that maybe mean something to a seasoned user.
I would not get aftertouch on any of my cy-12r/c (one cable plugged into bow edge (not used as a three way) If I switched the rim from Rim set Type to Switch it would sometimes work, then stop, then i would switch it back to pizzeo and it would work again, and went back and forth like this for hours having it work, then not then work again after changing just this setting.
I started seeing a lot of note #0 messages as well, then towards the end nothing seemed to be working ( thus my asking about a factory reset option as nothing worked even close to how it was working when loading any of my saved configs.

I am open to any suggestions and willing to try anything. Being in IT for a living there is nothing more depressing than being completely helplessly stumped by a piece of hardware and software.
I know I will get it eventually, but if people have suggestions I am all ears.
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Re: Newbie questions and comments thread

Postby dmitri » Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:01 am

1. Factory reset - either set AutoloadConf to No from the menu or power up while pressing the Right button. Neither of this will override configs saved in EEPROM.
2. 'Set All EdgeSw': as per ... s-settings, it will show 'Working' until you press any button again.
3. If the presets are MDM presets then you can load them with MDMFX into MegaDrum regardless of firmware version. You still need to do it with a review of settings, not just blindly loading them.
4. If you're seeing Note 0, then you probably use an old config which used to disable an input/zone with Note 0. Now it is done with a separate 'Disabled' setting.

For configuring Roland cymbals pleas look at the viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1523&start=60
If it doesn't help, please post description of your problem and the settings you used and will go through this again as in the above thread.
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Re: Newbie questions and comments thread

Postby wenzelranch » Fri Oct 04, 2019 12:37 pm

thank you.
good to know it is not locked up when it says working. SetalledgeSW
quick question regarding this though.
When i do that and switch to the next setting, when i go back it is still on NO.
is that correct? or a sign that something is still funky.
just want to confirm before i go any further troubleshooting the roland 3 way thing.
made a bunch of progress ( with all the other triggers ) starting over last night( load all from file worked with the virgin config i saved)
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Re: Newbie questions and comments thread

Postby dmitri » Sat Oct 05, 2019 3:49 pm

wenzelranch wrote:thank you.
good to know it is not locked up when it says working. SetalledgeSW
quick question regarding this though.
When i do that and switch to the next setting, when i go back it is still on NO.
is that correct? or a sign that something is still funky.

It's correct. SetAllEdgeSw is not a config setting, it is a helper to auto-set Thresholds on inputs configured as switches.
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Re: Newbie questions and comments thread

Postby wenzelranch » Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:33 am

had a ah ah , i wonder if moment yesterday morning and I got it working yesterday by hitting the cymbals.

not my proudest moment when after seeing your reply i rechecked the documentation and saw this under that section.
"Now hit a few times edge zones of all piezo/switch and piezo/switch/switch pads/cymbals. When done, press any button to finish."
really sorry Dmitri about that RTFM moment I had.

Question regarding my PD-125
Do i still need to use a precision rectifier for positional sensing?
(has this changed at all or is the info here what i need)

I am almost done with my config and look forward to sharing my settings/values with others.
I am very impressed with this megadrum unit so far.
there are some things it is doing for me that my td12 brain either did poorly or not at all.
let me know as a board admin if I should start a new thread to share my td12k to megadrum experiences and settings.
The hive mentality/sharing of experiences and settings resource of this board was one of the biggest draws for me to joinn the megadrum family of users.
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Re: Newbie questions and comments thread

Postby dmitri » Mon Oct 07, 2019 1:30 pm

The Positional sensing addon is a set of 5 precisions rectifiers: on inputs 4, 6, 10, 12 and 14. So you don't need precision rectifiers on those inputs.
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Re: Newbie questions and comments thread

Postby dsteinschneider » Wed Nov 06, 2019 5:47 pm

wenzelranch wrote:had a ah ah , i wonder if moment yesterday morning and I got it working yesterday by hitting the cymbals.

not my proudest moment when after seeing your reply i rechecked the documentation and saw this under that section.

"Now hit a few times edge zones of all piezo/switch and piezo/switch/switch pads/cymbals. When done, press any button to finish."

Hi Dave,

Welcome to the MegaDrum community. I had exactly the same confusion about SetAllEdgeSW and SetAllBellSW. I'm also very experienced at setting up hardware/software because I do IT work for a living. For some reason that last sentence doesn't jump out at you.

I think the guide for it should:

1. Start with an explanation that it's done on the unit - not in the MD Manager software.
2. It's a one time process that you turn on
3. Look to see it says working
4. Hit each of the cymbal zones on each cymbal
5. Press right to finish
6. And importantly understand the SetAllEdgeSW parameterwill return to "Off"

When I first was trying to understand it I got the impression that SetAllEdgeSW needs to be "On" at all times for the 3 zone cymbals.
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