Millenium MPS-750X and Megadrum Build

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Millenium MPS-750X and Megadrum Build

Postby madpsychot » Sun Mar 07, 2021 7:45 pm

This past summer I bought a Millenium MPS-750X drum kit. I'm not in the market for a €2000+ kit - I'm just not that good enough on drums to justify anything other than €500 kit.

Overall I don't have much to complain about, other than the sounds of the drum module. Enter the Megadrum I bought 3 years ago, that's been lying around in a cupboard waiting for me to put together. Having connected the 750 to my laptop via USB, and triggering Steven Slate drums, I could see that the sound of the drums, but more importantly the multi-layered samples just make it a joy to play. The 750's drum module just doesn't have enough settings to bring out the most in VST drum kits.

Following on from the thread:


I've decided to take my build in a slightly different direction. My problem is that I still want to use the 750 module, but also be able to plug in the entire drumkit to Megadrum to trigger Steven Slate. So what to do?


I ditched the ribbon cables for dupont connectors, and then bought myself a 25pin female DB25 connector. What this will allow me to do is dissconnect all the drums from the 750 module to the megadrum module in one go. It will also allow me to create a tiny Megadrum setup.


Thank God for @anwe79's previous post, as he traced all the connections in the 750's connector and showed the routes to the Megadrums pins. That will save me a decent hour or two of doing that myself.

So far I've connected the kick, the snare and hihat. All my drums are way too hot going into the Megadrum, but I should be able to adjust the pots that all the 750 drums have in them. I've also got a preset of the drum settings that @anwe79 used with his kit, but for some reason I'm getting max velocities on all hits. I'm not at the stage of sitting and configuring all the drums, but from my initial tests the difference between sending the MIDI of the 750 to Steven Slate, and sending the Megadrum to Steven Slate is night and day. I'll spend the next few days / weeks / months getting it all made and configured so I'll report back here (if it might be a help to anyone)
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Joined: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:39 am

Re: Millenium MPS-750X and Megadrum Build

Postby airflamesred » Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:49 pm

Adjust the high level I would have thought.

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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