I'm not 100% sure what you mean about removing R1-R8. I asked to move resistor because it would be in logical position(for me at least). If i look finished PBC i dont understand thing, but now its easy to see. 22 inputs each going to 100R, going to 2 diodes, going to either 4051 or atmega. Sure if you have expirience you dont need that, Aaron did it in one night, read schematics and adapted design, it would take me days
We are thinking about same things . I think keyword would be compact. But guys discused this in other thread. Take a look at keyboard and ISP connector. If you remove those 4 resistors you can use 5pin connector for both keyboard and ISP, you put resistors on cable.
On 32 input as far i can see connections are little different. Do you have schematics for that?