Here's my stuff:
Not very exclusive casing indeed but works as advertised
It's a 22 version and signals are routed via DB25 port. MUCH cheaper
than jacks and better for my piezopad than separate cables.
my piezo pad (one of early stages. I lost hundreds of hours before I eliminated crosstalk completely <yes, I have set 'crosstalk=0' on my device>). In back you can see MIDIBOX - one of my completed projects from
http://www.ucapps.de. Here I'll be posting more info on my projects:
http://astachurski.googlepages.com/Also some other stage of 'evolution'.
DIY hihat (still digital, on/off but pot version is on its way) and KICK pedal (from DTXplorer)
Now I'm assembling the edrum (for comparisons and as a reserve unit).
best wishes!