Yamaha RHH130 setup

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Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby jmcdougall » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:07 pm

Has anyone used this HiHat with Megadrum ? I have wired the HIhat controller port as per what I was seeing on my drumkat where the tip is the + voltage feed and the ring is the return control. However, I have been unable to find any documentation that defines how the control portion of the RHH130 is defined and some indication of how it should be defined in Megadrum. Any help would be appreciated

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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby dmitri » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:57 pm

jmcdougall wrote:I have wired the HIhat controller port as per what I was seeing on my drumkat where the tip is the + voltage feed and the ring is the return control. However, I have been unable to find any documentation that defines how the control portion of the RHH130 is defined and some indication of how it should be defined in Megadrum.

I read it several times but I struggle to understand what you are asking.
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby jmcdougall » Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:49 am

Let me try to explain better. In the Synthex documentation, it shows the HiHat controller has a +V feed to the hiHat controller and a return feed from the HiHat controller. For most e-drums this controller is a footpedal with a variable resistor. The first question I had when wiring is should the tip be the +V feed and the ring be the varing voltage return?

To answer this question as to what is typical, I checked the hihat controller jack on a DrumKat I have that works succesfully with a Pintech footpedal. It uses the tip for the +V feed and the ring for the varying voltage return so I wired the jack this way.

The RHH130 is an intergrated HiHat that sits on a standard hihat stand and the center section moves with the pedal just like top cymbal of a real hihat. When I plug it into the HiHat controller input, I get the midi light on constant with no pedal movement which suggest that it does not follow this convention.

So the question is 1) Should tip and ring be wired as I did or does it need to be reversed? Or is something special required to use it?

2) How do you configure this controller in Megadrum?

I hope this clarifies the original questions !

Thank you
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby kupooglop » Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:57 am

jmcdougall wrote:When I plug it into the HiHat controller input, I get the midi light on constant with no pedal movement

i just read manual for rhh130 setup and i find your explanation confusing. when you say "i plug it into..." what do you mean? the hihat trigger cable or the hihat controller cable? i will assume you mean the hihat controller cable. if this is the case, it sounds like you might need to set hihat pedal to "pot" in megadrum. constant midi light on can come from variable resistance hihat control hooked up while hihat pedal type is set to "footcontr".
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby dmitri » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:45 am

jmcdougall wrote:So the question is 1) Should tip and ring be wired as I did or does it need to be reversed? Or is something special required to use it?

You have to find out what tip and ring do in RHH130. If it is "tip->power ring->signal" or "tip->signal ring->power". Once you found out, connect it accordingly to MegaDrum.

2) How do you configure this controller in Megadrum?

This might help:
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby jmcdougall » Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:02 am

Ok I have taken the hihat apart and traced the circuits. On the pad output, the tip is a piezo and the ring is rim switches. The controller side is more interesting.

A rubber pad that is mounted at an angle has a series of fingers. Each set of fingers matches up to a pressure contact switch. The weighted assembly that attaches to the hihat shaft presses the pad down as you pedal down on the hihat stand's footpedal.

attached is the circuit diagram. How should this be wired to the Megadrum Hihat controller phone jack ?
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby dmitri » Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:16 pm

Ring is for power, tip is for signal so you must use a crossover cable with the pedal. Use the high impedance pedal input.
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby jmcdougall » Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:39 pm

I am using the Synthex 2.7 board --- is your reference to the high impedance pedal input a physically different input on your board and if so how can i duplicate it or is this just a configuration setting ?


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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby dmitri » Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:03 pm

See "HiHat Alternative tip" pin 3 of the Pads connector in viewtopic.php?p=3438#p3438
Find the corresponding pin in Synthex's board.
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby jmcdougall » Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:48 am

From your schematics, it appears that the alternate hihat input is taking the tip through a 100 ohm resistor and directly into pin 33 ADC7 (PA7) . Is this correct ?

Acccording to the Synthex v2.7 schematics ADC4 - ADC7 have no external connections. So I am going to have put a 100 ohm resistor on my analog input board from the tip return and then run a wire from it to pin 33 on the ATMega?

I also have now measured the actual voltages at the tip output of the control jack on the hihat

HiHat Open 3.1V
partially open 3.06V
In between 2.85V
partially closed 2.80V
Hihat fully closed 150mv

What should this translate to in terms of configuration settings ?
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