3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

3 zone cymbals, Yamaha style. Do you want me to add support for them in MegaDrum?

I have both MegaDrum and Yamaha cymbals, please do it.
I have Yamaha cymbal. Lack of Yamaha 3 zone cymbals support is a showstopper for building MegaDrum.
I have MegaDrum. If you do it, I'll buy 3 zone cymbals Yamaha style.
I have MegaDrum. I'll live happily without support for such cymbals.
If you do it, I will rebuild all my DIY cymbals to have the Yamaha 3zone design.
I have neither of them, only 2 (3 at most) persons have MegaDrum, your poll is stupid.
No votes
Stop whining, just do it.
Total votes : 92

3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:57 am

3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it?
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby elrules » Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:17 pm

You forgot to add an option in the poll:

* If you do it, I will rebuild all my DIY cymbals to have the yamaha 3zone design.

(I would choose that option, although I also own a yamaha. Same hardware, but more inputs, the decision is easy hehe)
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:37 pm

Added the option. You will have to re-vote.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby clock2113 » Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:27 pm

I'm not sure if mine is Yamaha style or not, but my ride is 3 way:

http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/ ... c=3SOSWXXA
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:52 pm

clock2113 wrote:I'm not sure if mine is Yamaha style or not, but my ride is 3 way:

http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/ ... c=3SOSWXXA

Is it with one jack or two?
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby clock2113 » Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:28 pm

Just one jack.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby jamalpiper » Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:55 pm

I'm not sure how to vote as i don't have any 3 zone cymbals, whats the actual difference between roland and yamaha 3 zones?

As long as both have bell, bow, edge and choke (what I need when I build mine)... I'm tempted to be indifferent, but having that compatibility would be great just for the sake of open endedness...
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby elrules » Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:35 am

jamalpiper wrote:I'm not sure how to vote as i don't have any 3 zone cymbals, whats the actual difference between roland and yamaha 3 zones?

As long as both have bell, bow, edge and choke (what I need when I build mine)... I'm tempted to be indifferent, but having that compatibility would be great just for the sake of open endedness...

Roland cymbals (like CY-15) use two jacks. One is labelled as "bow/edge" and the other as "bow/bell". It is like having two dual zone cymbals joined together. You need to use two stereo inputs of megadrum (and activate 3way option in the config of one input) to be able to use the 3 zones in normal way.

Yamaha cymbals use only one input. Both switches (edge and bell) are connected to "ring" of jack. You only need to use one stereo input of the module. You will wonder: how does the module distinguish them? It does it because one switch is conected directly to the ring of jack and the other has a 10kOhm resistor in series. The yamaha module can measure that difference in resistance seen between ring and ground to trigger one sound or another.

There is another difference besides the design one, that is, in price.
Roland CY-15 (a trizone 15'' ride) costs 222€
Yamaha PCY-150s (a trizone 15'' ride) costs 128€
http://www.thomann.de/es/yamaha_pcy150s ... al_pad.htm

Personally, I own a yamaha pcy150s. Before megadrum, I used it with a roland module and I couldn't use the 3 zones but I was very happy with it as it has a very good sensitivity and it is very quiet when playing.

For someone who wants to buy trizone cymbals, (at least for me) seems better to buy cymbals 100€ cheaper and that only spend one input in my module to do the same as the others. That was the reason I have insisted so much dmitri of implementing it.

But it is not limited to "buying" cymbals. THe yamaha design has been discovered for DIYers and it is easy to copy that design in a DIY way. I have built a roland-style cy-15. If dmitri implements that feature it would be easy to rebuild it: remove one jack, add a 10k resistor to one switch and connect it to the same remaining jack.

Hope I can help
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby gastric » Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:25 pm

The more options the better in my opinion. Using one jack seems good to me. And for users that purchase factory cymbals the Yamahas are much cheaper and reported by some as better playing than the Rolands.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby jamalpiper » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:32 pm

elrules wrote:Yamaha cymbals use only one input. Both switches (edge and bell) are connected to "ring" of jack. You only need to use one stereo input of the module. You will wonder: how does the module distinguish them? It does it because one switch is conected directly to the ring of jack and the other has a 10kOhm resistor in series. The yamaha module can measure that difference in resistance seen between ring and ground to trigger one sound or another.

Hmm interesting, I vote yes do it... and then I wonder if it possible to have more switches, have it differentiate between 0ohm, 10kohm, 20kohm .... 1Mohm!

I'm not expert on cymbals (or edrums) but it seems like megadrum could be expanded to support cymbals with an unnecessary amount of switches... :D
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