Lightly Fried Megadrum :-(

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Lightly Fried Megadrum :-(

Postby CairnsFella » Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:32 am

I'll (try .. but probably be brief. (but for those only wanting to read the actual problem part.. please skip to ****** below)

Much to my own suprise my first build of the megadrum went well, and everything worked first go. Given my soldering skills (lack of) electronics knowledge (lack of), and patience (complete absence of) I did not - deep down - expect to ever work !!!

Anyway, my initial build was to the point that I had the display working (with very very rough cabling) and the actual unit working with piezo's and hooked up via USB to ezdrummer. All was going tooooo well.

I did not (and have not) boxed up the board or anything at this time.

I then started building some DIY pads, which seemed to work well (at least for my own humble needs) and began work on a dual zone cymabal (see seperate post).

It was at this time I thought I should sort out the keyboard. I experimented with a few scavanged items (including an encoder that I planned to use at a later date. All functioned well, but given that I had not yet planned to box the unit yet, they were a bid cimbersome having various switches danging around. Instead I used a set of microswithes already attatched to a circuit board. I checked (or I thought I checked) any exisiting connections on the board, but when attatched and powered up I would intermitently get scrolling through the menus. Unfortunately my constant moving of the board finally told on the dodgy LCD cables, which started to fall apart.

So, I redid the LCD cable with much better ribbon cabling... and the problems really started.


It took a few attempts to get my LCD working again, despite what I thought was a much better job of the cable, but during this time I would occassionally get either 1) garbage characters, or 2) a line of blocks on the firts line only.

Finally, it was all working again, and so did the buttons after removing anything that could have possibly been a short on the microswitch board.

I returned to work on the cymbal, but suddenly I got blocks or garbage again. Thinking it could be the LCD cable because of what happened before, I kept fiddling with the cabling. Stupidly I did this with the megadrum powered up and .... fizzz puff.... one lightly fried atmega...

Ultimately this is probably a fairly conclusive diagnoses BUT !!!!!

I repowered and it worked again... indeed it worked for another day :shock: :shock: :shock:

... until... once again.. blocks.. then garbage... then block... blocks and more blocks.

I could still get the firmware update screen with a left button on power up AND the unit actually functioned.. ie. I could trigger ezdrummer... but I had no useful display. My attempts to update the firmware did not work (and I tried many many times)... then, probably as a result of this, I lost the ability to get the update screen.

All that remains now is the fact that "USB audio device" is recognised..but there is no functionality.

So (some of) you have read all this and probably conclude that my megadrum is dead.. and I would presume so too... BUT is there ANY hope... I would try to program my atmega through an alternate method, but none of my PC's or laptops have serial OR lpt ports. Is it even worth trying....and if it is... how do I do it without those ports???

I am asking a miracle.. but is there any hope ?!?!?!?!
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Re: Lightly Fried Megadrum :-(

Postby dmitri » Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:58 am

I would think you need a new Atmega. But before using a new one I would strongly recommend you to sort out all of your cabling/soldering otherwise you risk breaking it too.
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Re: Lightly Fried Megadrum :-(

Postby CairnsFella » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:55 am

sadly, that is as I thought.... but I thought I would ask.

If I may ask though.. if I buy one locally, I still have the issue of programming.. what are my options without LPT or serial ports on any of my PC's... ???
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Re: Lightly Fried Megadrum :-(

Postby dmitri » Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:15 pm

You will have to buy a USB-2-LPT converter like this: ... 286.c0.m14 or find someone with a pc which has an LPT port.
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Re: Lightly Fried Megadrum :-(

Postby dcho » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:28 pm

Man, that stinks. I'm in the middle of my own build and I get the feeling that I've totally messed up on my soldering as well. =P I hope everything goes okay for ya.
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Re: Lightly Fried Megadrum :-(

Postby CairnsFella » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:55 am


Hope your build went well.

Mine is a disaster. Got new atmega.. and whilst waiting I rechecked all my soldering, and redid the connections (much much better).. but I still get blocks on my lcd with the new chip. My PC recognises the midi posts (USB audio device) but not the megadrum as it used to when I plugged in the USB.

I also now have the midi light on all the time (though not sending any midi message that I can tell).

I may have to order a complete new kit (perhaps minus the atmega) at this rate, which is a bugger for the budget !!! :oops: :x :oops: :( :cry:
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Re: Lightly Fried Megadrum :-(

Postby dmitri » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:12 am

Stupid question but is your new Atmega programmed?
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Re: Lightly Fried Megadrum :-(

Postby Synthex » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:23 am

If the Amega is programmed (I think it is), could you post photos of your PCB ?
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Re: Lightly Fried Megadrum :-(

Postby CairnsFella » Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:46 am

Synthex and Dimitri,

Thanks for your responses.. I am still happy (although perhaps a little embarassed) to post a picture of my PCB.... but the story has moved on a little, and maybe you might have a different comment ???

Basically I managed to reload the firmware and the megadrum is back in action.. BUT with a whole new problem.

Basically, I have continuous activity on one whole block of triggers. Specifically 9 to 16. The meters are showing continuous readings on this whole block.

I tried swapping the chip for the maxim, but no different. If I take this chip out altogether the activity is reduced substatially, but there is still constant activity on all of these triggers. Though my electronics knowledge is non existant, it seems odd that it is effecting this one whole block, as I cant figure out any components that are unique to that block only ?? Perhaps one of the resistors? (which could have been damaged at the same time as the previous atmega???

I think I have a workaround (though I havent tried yet) to change the threshold on these triggers with the chip out, and just not use them for now. This is obviously not ideal, but at least the megadrum would be usable (fingers crossed). Of course this may not be a good idea in case whatever the problem is might effect other components over time???

Anyway, I'll sort out the requested photo over the next couple of days, and keep my fingers crossed that my new problem has a simple solution.

Thanks as always.
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Re: Lightly Fried Megadrum :-(

Postby CairnsFella » Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:05 am

In case of any use or interest.. this is the kind of info spewing from the megadrum:-

(and also I went to try the threshold change thing... BUT.. for some reason the display is now locked into showing the parameters for the notes being triggered - i.e. rapidly changing). This kind of makes sense, although before it was on the meters display and I could select parameters despite the same info being shown in midiox ???????

00001698 2 1 99 2D 00 10 A 2 Note Off
00001699 2 1 99 2D 7F 10 A 2 Note On
0000169A 2 1 99 29 00 10 F 2 Note Off
0000169C 2 1 99 29 7F 10 F 2 Note On
0000169C 2 1 99 29 00 10 F 2 Note Off
0000169D 2 1 99 29 7F 10 F 2 Note On
0000169E 2 1 99 31 7F 10 C# 3 Note On
0000169E 2 1 99 30 00 10 C 3 Note Off
000016A0 2 1 99 30 7F 10 C 3 Note On
000016A1 2 1 99 29 7F 10 F 2 Note On
000016A2 2 1 99 29 00 10 F 2 Note Off
000016A3 2 1 99 29 7F 10 F 2 Note On
000016A3 2 1 99 29 00 10 F 2 Note Off
000016A5 2 1 99 30 7F 10 C 3 Note On
000016A5 2 1 99 31 00 10 C# 3 Note Off
000016A7 2 1 99 31 7F 10 C# 3 Note On
000016A7 2 1 99 31 00 10 C# 3 Note Off
000016A9 2 1 99 31 7F 10 C# 3 Note On
000016A9 2 1 99 31 31 10 C# 3 Note On
000016AB 2 1 99 30 00 10 C 3 Note Off
000016AB 2 1 99 30 7F 10 C 3 Note On
000016AD 2 1 99 2D 00 10 A 2 Note Off
000016AF 2 1 99 2D 7F 10 A 2 Note On
000016AF 2 1 99 2D 00 10 A 2 Note Off
000016B1 2 1 99 2D 7F 10 A 2 Note On
000016B1 2 1 99 29 00 10 F 2 Note Off
000016B2 2 1 99 29 7F 10 F 2 Note On
000016B4 2 1 99 29 00 10 F 2 Note Off
000016B4 2 1 99 29 7F 10 F 2 Note On
000016B5 2 1 99 31 7F 10 C# 3 Note On
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