Well, I finally got around to testing this on OS X 10.6.2 and... no go
I compiled the update utility, and it ran but it simply wouldn't update the firmware after many, many tries. I however, did find a workaround to updating firmware via OS X, but it's a bit contrived. I'll post it here just because.
You need VirtualBox and a modern Linux distro CD ISO (I used Fedora 12)
Boot the CD into the live system and download the latest firmware onto the VM desktop or wherever in the VM
Connect MegaDrum via the Devices menu in VirtualBox
Open a terminal window and type "amidi -l", you should see your MegaDrum
Setup MegaDrum for firmware update (if you have to turn it on/off you'll have to reconnect the device via the VirtualBox menu)
Once MegaDrum is waiting for the firmware, use the following command: "amidi -p hw:1,0,0 -s megadrum-firmware.sysx" where "hw:1,0,0" is the device you got from "amidi -l" and "megadrum-firmware.sysx" is the MegaDrum firmware file you download.
You're done!
I also tried the latest MCT on this Linux VM... but no go for sending or receiving pad settings I was really hoping it would work
Also, amidi was able to receive the configuration sysex sent from MegaDrum but MegaDrum was unable to receive that sysex if I played it back using amidi again.
Still trying to figure out how to no have to use Windows for any of my MegaDrum needs (firmware solved but not config saving/loading...)