Which Hall sensor for Hit hat?

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Re: Which Hall sensor for Hit hat?

Postby ignotus » Thu May 06, 2010 7:48 am

Glad you got it!

Yes, that's exactly how I set it up too.

And I agree, it can't get any simpler or cheaper than this... :D
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Re: Which Hall sensor for Hit hat?

Postby Maylord.war » Thu May 06, 2010 1:44 pm

Good job! ;)

sorry but how you connect the sensor to the female connector of jack?

and wich configuration use on megadrum for the controller of the hit hat?

use High (pin2) or Low (pin 4) impedence?

if you can i would like see a small diagram o pictures with the connection of sensor and connector.

Very thanks!
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Re: Which Hall sensor for Hit hat?

Postby ignotus » Thu May 06, 2010 2:58 pm

Have a look at the image posted by Jlantz with the sensor pinouts - I'd imagine you have the one on the right. Here's a pretty scruffy image of where you need to connect each leg of the sensor. I think it has to be low impedance. Choose continuous control in 'pedal type' in the MD menu and then you'll need to mess around with high and low levels until it goes from open to closed within the range you want it to.

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Re: Which Hall sensor for Hit hat?

Postby rockdude » Thu May 06, 2010 4:10 pm

JLantz wrote:I'm really digging this hall effect HiHat pedal solution. Way, way easier than the sliding pots (and I'll skip the optical, thank you). 8-)

Here is what I've come up with tonight messing around with configurations- just to show the simplicity. The components are so small and easy to place, why put it up in the hats? Great response and easy tweaking. Man, I love Megadrum!!!

I'll button it up proper and post a pic in the next few days.


Great work JLantz and Ignotus! I haven't got this working yet. I might have blown my hall sensors or used a bad magnet, but now that so many people got it working and like it, I want to give it another go. I'll order some more hall sensors and try again because I think it's a great solution...if it works :)
JLantz; could you please post your exact settings in MegaDrum and pictures of how you connected your jumpers on the board? Would be much appreciated. Did you use a hard drive magnet like Ignotus and did you snap it in half too?
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Re: Which Hall sensor for Hit hat?

Postby rockdude » Thu May 06, 2010 4:14 pm

ignotus wrote:Have a look at the image posted by Jlantz with the sensor pinouts - I'd imagine you have the one on the right. Here's a pretty scruffy image of where you need to connect each leg of the sensor. I think it has to be low impedance. Choose continuous control in 'pedal type' in the MD menu and then you'll need to mess around with high and low levels until it goes from open to closed within the range you want it to.


What's tip, ring and sleeve on that female jack?
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Re: Which Hall sensor for Hit hat?

Postby ignotus » Thu May 06, 2010 4:22 pm

rockdude wrote:What's tip, ring and sleeve on that female jack?

Tip = sensor pin 1 (+5v source)
Ring= sensor pin 3 (HH signal to MD)
Sleeve= sensor pin 2 (Ground)

Oh, and that magnet JLantz used is in fact a hard drive magnet - it looks like he used 1 and 1/2 and joined the 3 pieces together, which as a result gives you a stronger magnet (each hard disk has 2 inside). And yes, unless you snap them in half it's unlikely to work.

And by the way folks, be careful when handling and snapping these magnets because they are very brittle and can smash into many tiny pieces. If by chance you happen to swallow any (especially if its more than 1 piece) you could be in for trouble (imagine 2 very small and powerful magnets travelling through different parts of your digestive system, trying to get together again... ouch!). So... just make sure you keep your mouths closed when attempting to break these things!
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Re: Which Hall sensor for Hit hat?

Postby rockdude » Thu May 06, 2010 5:24 pm

ignotus wrote:
rockdude wrote:What's tip, ring and sleeve on that female jack?

Tip = sensor pin 1 (+5v source)
Ring= sensor pin 3 (HH signal to MD)
Sleeve= sensor pin 2 (Ground)

Oh, and that magnet JLantz used is in fact a hard drive magnet - it looks like he used 1 and 1/2 and joined the 3 pieces together, which as a result gives you a stronger magnet (each hard disk has 2 inside). And yes, unless you snap them in half it's unlikely to work.

And by the way folks, be careful when handling and snapping these magnets because they are very brittle and can smash into many tiny pieces. If by chance you happen to swallow any (especially if its more than 1 piece) you could be in for trouble (imagine 2 very small and powerful magnets travelling through different parts of your digestive system, trying to get together again... ouch!). So... just make sure you keep your mouths closed when attempting to break these things!

Thanks for your answers. It might be safer to use two harddrivemagnets and join them together. Did you snap yours by hand or did you use any tool?
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Re: Which Hall sensor for Hit hat?

Postby ignotus » Thu May 06, 2010 5:42 pm

ignotus wrote:Did you snap yours by hand or did you use any tool?

I used two pairs of pliers. And kept my mouth tight shut!

You can use both magnets together but you'll still need to snap them due to their + - polarity.
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Re: Which Hall sensor for Hit hat?

Postby JLantz » Fri May 07, 2010 12:32 am

I had a chance to mount this system today:

Ball point pen tube holds HES at end and is securely mounted inside with hot glue and a shrink tube sheath. Tube is mounted with double back tape and 2 zip ties.

The input/output box. Will replace mount bracket later; this was built quick.

Full pedal; clean and absolutely simple.

This configuration is working outstanding!

I had two of the HD magnets. I didn't split the first one very well (25/75) but sandwiched the two pieces together with the unbroken magnet. It works, and I'm happy that I had them on hand, but I would like to find a cleaner solution.

Impedance set to low, jumpers for tip +5.
Low level at 769, Hi at 817, but your parameters will be different, of course.

I am really stoked about this; the HiHats have been the biggest frustration on my past two DIY builds, but this elegant solution, along with Megadrum, is totally AWESOME!

Thanks! :lol:
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Re: Which Hall sensor for Hit hat?

Postby Maylord.war » Fri May 07, 2010 2:03 am

I have two hold hard drisk but not are the same model and brands. If i get the magnet cause any problem? For this sensor are required two or more magnet for a corret use?

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