Sylv1co wrote:FD-7 works with a kind of rubber hammer that press a FSR sensor. Try to put some foam on the hammer, it will become to press on the FSR earlier (and then become to decrease the resistance earlier).
sounds like roland use fsr to tell how hard pedal pressed, not how far pedal traveled. maybe you could use linear fsr & put a stylus on pedal? that way as pedal moves up & down the stylus moves along fsr? not sure. i'd have to play with one to figure it out.
Sylv1co wrote: I would prefer have 1,5cm or 2cm, best would be to have the possibility to set the course lenght.
hall effect sensor measures change in magnetic flux field density in ~1cm range when operated in head-on mode. it is rock solid reliable & never drifts or changes. since it is magnetic effect, light doesn't bother it

Sylv1co wrote:Unfortunatly I can't since I not use my FD-7 with megadrum
sounds like you need to plug pedal into megadrum & see what it does first. megadrum is surprisingly flexible. pedal just might work the way you want as-is just by choosing different curves.