Axis percussion pedals with E-kits

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: Axis percussion pedals with E-kits

Postby dmitri » Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:02 am

Solel wrote:Well, it would probably be smarter to do it in the cable, no chance of messing up an expensive product.

When I initially looked at the schematics I did not even know what was tip, ring, sleeve, but I did some research and figured out that part. I still need to do some more research to actually figure out what gets soldered where; I am getting closer to understanding though. When I do my snare and toms, I might just add a pot to every drum so I have that option. Very interesting that you do not need any voltage dividers with your setup. Do you think this has to do with people not setting up their modules correctly?

No. All the pads are different. Don't get wrong impression, by nature, only people with "hot" pads report about it. Those with "cool" pads just take it as a given so they don't bother to post.

Do you have a post here on the forum with your current setup?

I never have a current setup, I mess with pads all the time. See and , thanks to angr77, ... ans-td-20/
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