Megadrum stopped communicating with laptop

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Re: Megadrum stopped communicating with laptop

Postby chain » Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:46 am

dmitri wrote:Atmega based MegaDrum? What is "MIDI Speed" set to?

Yes it is a megadrum 32 atmega 1284 with PS board

MIDI speed is USB+MIDI
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Re: Megadrum stopped communicating with laptop

Postby dmitri » Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:00 pm

Are you running the latest firmware version and the latest MDM? If yes, then I'm afraid there is a hardware fault on the main board.
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Re: Megadrum stopped communicating with laptop

Postby chain » Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:13 pm

dmitri wrote:Are you running the latest firmware version and the latest MDM? If yes, then I'm afraid there is a hardware fault on the main board.

I am not sure, but since it stopped working while I was playing I guess it is a hardware malfunction...

firmware version on MD: 20140302 12mhz
MDM version: 20140201

The thing is, how can I upgrade the MD firmware without connecting it via usb to the computer?

Can I buy just the main board and rewire everything?

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Re: Megadrum stopped communicating with laptop

Postby dmitri » Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:43 pm

chain wrote:
dmitri wrote:Are you running the latest firmware version and the latest MDM? If yes, then I'm afraid there is a hardware fault on the main board.

I am not sure, but since it stopped working while I was playing I guess it is a hardware malfunction...

firmware version on MD: 20140302 12mhz
MDM version: 20140201

The thing is, how can I upgrade the MD firmware without connecting it via usb to the computer?

Just try it using viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1252
if this is a hardware fault then the upgrade will just won't work.

Can I buy just the main board and rewire everything?

Yes, if you replace it with a Atmega1284 based board. See viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2155
If you replace it with an ARM based board then you will need to drill 4 new holes since the board is slightly smaller.
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Re: Megadrum stopped communicating with laptop

Postby chain » Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:07 pm

I tried to update it, it stays on transfering 0% and does nothing.

thanks for all the help, I will see what I do now.

dmitri wrote:
chain wrote:
dmitri wrote:Are you running the latest firmware version and the latest MDM? If yes, then I'm afraid there is a hardware fault on the main board.

I am not sure, but since it stopped working while I was playing I guess it is a hardware malfunction...

firmware version on MD: 20140302 12mhz
MDM version: 20140201

The thing is, how can I upgrade the MD firmware without connecting it via usb to the computer?

Just try it using viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1252
if this is a hardware fault then the upgrade will just won't work.

Can I buy just the main board and rewire everything?

Yes, if you replace it with a Atmega1284 based board. See viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2155
If you replace it with an ARM based board then you will need to drill 4 new holes since the board is slightly smaller.
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Re: Megadrum stopped communicating with laptop

Postby Stephen Spurlock » Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:39 am

I am having a similar problem. I have a 56 Channel ARM based Full kit with extended EEPROM with the optional positional sensing add-on board. I put it in an enclosure and it seemed to be working great in my tests. Then I started getting it setup and had some issues with the 3 zone cymbal. (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1279&start=30)

I was checking all my soldering points and they seemed good. Then I started getting "SysEx Timeouts" errors, mostly after hitting Send All. After I get the timeout error I have inconsistent (at least to my knowledge) connectivity issues. I get the "MIDI Init Error". I will restart the computer & sometimes this helps, but it isn't consistent. I will turn off MegaDrum and back on and sometimes this helps, too; or I will close MegaDrum manager and open it back up. Sometimes, the computer will show that the MegaDrum is connected and sometimes it won't. Overall, it's very inconsistent and I can't find a system to it.

I have used two different Mac laptops trying all 4 USB ports (on the MacBook Pro, one USB port has had more success). I have tried different USB cables and still no luck. I did have two soldered cables on the USB socket come undone. I re-soldered them and was still having issues. To make sure that my soldering was not the issue I bypassed the USB socket to a cut USB cable. I checked my connections with a multimeter and found that the connections were good. I still the same issues with Megadrum.

Megadrum seems to working fine based off of the LCD, just not connecting to the computer using USB. I tried to connect using both USB for voltage and using an iRig Pro for the MIDI. Audio MIDI Setup on the Mac never showed MegaDrum showing up by the MIDI connector.

MacBook Pro OS 10.11.3 (intermittent Audio Midi Setup)
MacBook Air OS 10.10.4 (I can't ever get it to Audio Midi Setup)
MegaDrum Manger Version: 20151104
MegaDrum: STM32F205RCT6
MegaDrum Firmware: 20160127

Help would be greatly appreciated.
Stephen Spurlock
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Re: Megadrum stopped communicating with laptop

Postby dmitri » Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:33 am

Do you have a powered USB hub? If you have, can you try it with it?
I also have MacBook Pro and Air. I always test it with MacBook Pro. I will test it with Air tonight.
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Re: Megadrum stopped communicating with laptop

Postby Stephen Spurlock » Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:34 pm

I don't have one...but I will see about picking up one tomorrow. Thanks for the quick response.
Stephen Spurlock
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Re: Megadrum stopped communicating with laptop

Postby Stephen Spurlock » Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:07 am

That seems to have worked! I still sometimes got "SysEx Timeouts" when I click "Send All." I increased the "SysEx delay" and that helped. Other than that with "Live updates" checked everything seems to work like a charm.

I found that if I clicked on "Open MIDI" to close the connection and then re-opened it, I could "Send All" without an "SysEx Timeouts" which is helpful when I load a preset. It seems to be working really great now, all I needed was a $7 (USD) USB hub.

Just for anyone else having similar issues info I have:

MacBookAir6, 1 (OS 10.10.4)
MacBookPro6, 2 (OS 10.11.3)
MDM Version: 20151104
MegaDrum: STM32F205RCT6
MegaDrum Firmware: 20160127

I needed a USB hub to get MegaDrum to connect properly.

Thanks Dmitri!
Stephen Spurlock
Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:25 am


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