New MegaDrum option

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Re: New MegaDrum option

Postby ignotus » Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:49 pm

Aw that's a shame - if I upgrade it will be to a lite board.
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Re: New MegaDrum option

Postby dmitri » Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:06 pm

When I designed the Lite board one of the goals was to make it as small as possible. That meant getting rid of all unused connectors and, unfortunately, one of those connectors was from SPI pins which are used for connecting to the new LCD.
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Re: New MegaDrum option

Postby dmitri » Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:49 am

Just to let everyone know that the first 5 orders of kits/modules with the colour LCD will go for the same price as with the standard LCD. After that the colour LCD option will add 5GBP.
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Re: New MegaDrum option

Postby pfhor » Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:44 pm

stefan1982 wrote:I'll probably sound like an ass, but I don't think this is going to make a real difference.
If you want the MegaDrum and MDM to be more widely used, and market it a bit more commercially you defiantly need to focus on usability.

If you want to make MD better you really need to come up with something like a (touch) colour screen and implement something that let's people control it using a better and easier to understand UI. You should think about using icons and some sort of wizards to setup and improve the settings of the pads. (Same with MDM)

It is a great deal of work, which I totally understand, but that is going to be the main reason why people are hesitating for using MD and it's accompanying MD Manager. If you need a designer to come up with things like icons and UI mockups, than I would love to help.
Unfortunately I'm no good help when it comes to programming in Java (which IMO really needs to be rewriting in another language like C#, or even Swift).

For fucks sake, I know exactly where you're coming from but please show some appreciation for something you get for free. If Dmitri's goal was commercialisation we wouldn't even have this forum.

I wrote a working prototype for a whole new manager earlier this year that I'm planning to pick up again in the coming months, changing a whole lot of things I see wrong with the current system. My point hower that is ideas are cheap, implementation is what matters. The fact that there's a fully documented API to begin with is amazing, what have you done with it?


Cheers Dmitri, that's a pretty awesome addition to Megadrum!
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Re: New MegaDrum option

Postby angr77 » Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:21 pm

Fantastic Dmitri.

The color LCD and the gui related stuff on the screen looks really great!

Nice work there!

Best regards

Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5
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Re: New MegaDrum option

Postby stefan1982 » Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:37 pm

pfhor wrote:
stefan1982 wrote:I'll probably sound like an ass, but I don't think this is going to make a real difference.
If you want the MegaDrum and MDM to be more widely used, and market it a bit more commercially you defiantly need to focus on usability.

If you want to make MD better you really need to come up with something like a (touch) colour screen and implement something that let's people control it using a better and easier to understand UI. You should think about using icons and some sort of wizards to setup and improve the settings of the pads. (Same with MDM)

It is a great deal of work, which I totally understand, but that is going to be the main reason why people are hesitating for using MD and it's accompanying MD Manager. If you need a designer to come up with things like icons and UI mockups, than I would love to help.
Unfortunately I'm no good help when it comes to programming in Java (which IMO really needs to be rewriting in another language like C#, or even Swift).

For fucks sake, I know exactly where you're coming from but please show some appreciation for something you get for free. If Dmitri's goal was commercialisation we wouldn't even have this forum.

I wrote a working prototype for a whole new manager earlier this year that I'm planning to pick up again in the coming months, changing a whole lot of things I see wrong with the current system. My point hower that is ideas are cheap, implementation is what matters. The fact that there's a fully documented API to begin with is amazing, what have you done with it?


Cheers Dmitri, that's a pretty awesome addition to Megadrum!

@pfor: I don't want to argue with you, although I have the feeling I may need to make some things clear.
I DO appreciate all the work Dmitri is doing, but I think that it's time he gets what he deserves when we look to what he has accomplished with the MD.
Unfortunately I can not find the related post anymore, but a while ago I've read that Dmitri want's to make MD more commercially attractive (not in these words, so I COULD misunderstood things), by letting the module/TTMI look better and lower the barrier for people to use MD and MDM.
In the light of these things, I was only trying to help and come up with (even) more constructive things to get MD and MDM to the next level.
Hope you understand me, as I am _not_ saying that I do not appreciate what everybody does for the project, especially Dmitri.

Some day, I hope I am able to help make things better, and - most of all - easier to use for the end users. Not only people new to MD and MDM, but also power users. And no matter how you look at things,if you want to lower the barrier and want to implement a simpler and easier to use cross-platform GUI which is future proof, I think there are some big steps to take and decisions to make.

But, I'll say it one more time: I really appreciate all the time, thought and expertise Dmitri and everyone else is putting in this project to make it the great project it already is.

Re: New MegaDrum option

Postby dmitri » Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:08 pm

I must say that I appreciate any feedback, even if it is critical since it often gives me direction for improvements. Of course I appreciate positive feedbacks which most often come personally either via PMs or e-mail. I also care about MegaDrum forum being friendly so please don't use too strong language on the forum.
On the subject: I just want to stress it again - this is just a cheap and nice option without which MegaDrum doesn't loose any functionality but which, from feedback/suggestions, appeal to some (many?).
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Re: New MegaDrum option

Postby stefan1982 » Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:00 pm

dmitri wrote:On the subject: I just want to stress it again - this is just a cheap and nice option without which MegaDrum doesn't loose any functionality but which, from feedback/suggestions, appeal to some (many?).

What do you mean by this last sentence? It isn't clear to me. Perhaps my English...

Re: New MegaDrum option

Postby dmitri » Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:04 pm

Uhm, English is not my mother language either but I thought I put it in plain words. What is confusing you in it?
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Re: New MegaDrum option

Postby airflamesred » Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:56 pm

This thread seems to be derailing somewhat.

I think Dmitri is refering to MDM as a useful addon.

I seems quite natural to me to have Cubase and Kontakt open, and so it makes sense to have an interface for MD as well. No other TMI on this planet offers this. I've said it before and shall say it again, Megadrum is streets ahead of the competition.
If you still want the module approach then this new display is an improvement.

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