Red wrote:I've got this same pedal and I just cannot get it to work. I've played for hours and done tons of research on this site but have had no luck.
If I monitor the pedal from MIDI-OX or from MCT then I am able to get at least a small reaction from the pedal, but no matter what I set all the settings to it always gives only a very small change, and that is when I push the pedal down to around 98%. Everywhere else I get nothing.
Example settings:
(All Gains Low : Yes)
Type : F.Control
Reverse Levels : Yes <- Doesn't work if this is "No"
Curve : Custom 2 (default) <- Tried many variations
Alt In : Yes
Auto Levels : No
Low : 11 <- Tried many variations
High : 183 <- Tried many variations
Open : 8
Closed : 100
Short : 115
Long : 16
The above results in the pedal sitting at 30. If I press the pedal then at around 98% it jumps around between 30 and 31 and then when I release the pedal then nothing.
@Dmitri: On the 32 Inputs board there are 3 jumper pin sections. One is Pedal impedance, one is Pedal Polarity... but the third one is unlabeled.
Pedal Polarity : I put a jumper on pins 2 and 3 else nothing works.
Pedal Impedance : This makes no difference so far. I keep a jumper on pins 1 and 2 though (as recommended in this thread).
Am I doing this wrong?
Can one of you that have this same pedal please list all your settings or give some advice?
Try moving your curve onto Linear rather than Custom. On older firmware the curves were all zeroed whereas later firmwares populated them with typical settings. Should work fine on linear anyway.
Set autolevels and press down on the pedal a few times. Then switch autolevels to "No"
Make sure you are using a stereo TRS cable.
At this stage open/closed/long/short settings only determine which midi note number is sent for a specific pedal position. You need to get your pedal low/high settings correct first before worring about these settings.
Other than that there is no reason that your pedal isn't working so you might need to start looking for a hardware fault.