3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

3 zone cymbals, Yamaha style. Do you want me to add support for them in MegaDrum?

I have both MegaDrum and Yamaha cymbals, please do it.
I have Yamaha cymbal. Lack of Yamaha 3 zone cymbals support is a showstopper for building MegaDrum.
I have MegaDrum. If you do it, I'll buy 3 zone cymbals Yamaha style.
I have MegaDrum. I'll live happily without support for such cymbals.
If you do it, I will rebuild all my DIY cymbals to have the Yamaha 3zone design.
I have neither of them, only 2 (3 at most) persons have MegaDrum, your poll is stupid.
No votes
Stop whining, just do it.
Total votes : 92

Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:15 pm

Espen wrote:
dmitri wrote:Raising the gain you're making a hot pad problem worse. For hot pads you really should lower Gain levels.

No. I just meant that when the other pads are quite hot, ride should be equal in touch... you know.

You don't really need to raise Gain level for switch inputs. It only effects at which Threshold the switch is detected to make/break. With the Gain set to 4 (default) I get a perfect separation between the edge and the bell with Threshold set to 40 and BThreshold set to 20.

How did you adjust the potentiometer underside the cymbal? Is it crucial for the result?

It only effects the bow output and doesn't have any bearing on the edge/bell separation.

Is it really so? Without BThreshold set above 0 the bell won't work. What Threshold and BThreshold settings do you get if you follow http://www.megadrum.info/content/settin ... one-cymbal ?

With those previous parameters I get:

RideE Threshold: 62
BThreshold: 5

But the problem is the same. MD just sends the BNote, not RideE Note at all. With BNote value 0 the separation between bow and edge works flawlessly again. So, what's next?

1. Set the Gain on the Edge to 4.
2. Follow http://www.megadrum.info/content/settin ... one-cymbal again. What Threshold and BThreshold do you get?
3. List all Bow/Edge settings.
4. Install MIDI-OX. In MIDI-OX take a screenshot of the output from MegaDrum when you hit the bell, the edge and then the bell.
5. In MIDI-OX take a screenshot of the output from MegaDrum when you choke the cymbal.
Try all above steps on another input. Are the results different?
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby Espen » Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:39 am

Thanks Dimitri. I did get the three zones work at last. However the choke didn't work but I didn't have time to adjust it yesterday. Tonight I'm going to look things further. If I understood right you don't necessarily have to do the points 7 and 8 in this instruction: http://www.megadrum.info/content/settin ... one-cymbal
You can just manually find the right parameters, am I right?

I installed MIDI-OX yesterday but didn't use it yet. Tonight I try it and I would like to ask ready what I should see in the MIDI-OX when the choke works properly?
Also there is an option to adjust the aftertouch time in the Superior Drummer. With Roland module it has been 100ms. Should it work with the same value?

And one more question. All my cymbals are Yamaha's three zone cymbals. S2.0 only has one crash sound for the crashes. Do I still need to adjust every zone (bow, edge, bell) correctly to get the choke, or can I get them work just bow+edge+choke?
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Thu Nov 26, 2009 10:52 pm

Espen wrote:Thanks Dimitri. I did get the three zones work at last. However the choke didn't work but I didn't have time to adjust it yesterday. Tonight I'm going to look things further. If I understood right you don't necessarily have to do the points 7 and 8 in this instruction: http://www.megadrum.info/content/settin ... one-cymbal
You can just manually find the right parameters, am I right?


I installed MIDI-OX yesterday but didn't use it yet. Tonight I try it and I would like to ask ready what I should see in the MIDI-OX when the choke works properly?

You should see MIDI Aftertouch On/Off messages. If your sampling software is not configured to interpret them you won't get any choking.

Also there is an option to adjust the aftertouch time in the Superior Drummer. With Roland module it has been 100ms. Should it work with the same value?

I don't know what it does.

And one more question. All my cymbals are Yamaha's three zone cymbals. S2.0 only has one crash sound for the crashes. Do I still need to adjust every zone (bow, edge, bell) correctly to get the choke, or can I get them work just bow+edge+choke?

Yes, you can. Just disable the bell by setting BThreshold and/or BNote to 0.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby gabriel1712 » Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:48 am

Espen wrote:Also there is an option to adjust the aftertouch time in the Superior Drummer. With Roland module it has been 100ms. Should it work with the same value?

Aftertouch time is very much a 'feel'-thing. Since e-drum choke is an on-off and not a gradually choke, you have to decide which simulated 'choke-speed' feels good for you.

Espen wrote:All my cymbals are Yamaha's three zone cymbals. S2.0 only has one crash sound for the crashes.

Yamaha 3-zone mono Cymbals? Garh, you Brute! Get a proper program like BFD2 ;P
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby rockdude » Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:49 am

I just have a question regarding the resistor for this build. Does it have to be a 10k resistor? I only have 5,6K at hand right now. Will that do?
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:18 am

Try, it should work.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you nee

Postby isque » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:16 am

Hi all,I get a confuse while i'm going to build a chokeable 3 zone cymbal.Can i directly use the Yamaha PCY 150S cymbal circuit diagarm below to build the chokeable 3 zone cymbal? Does it support choke the sound? I found the other way to build the 3 zone chokeable(i'm not sure) cymbal like KRC,But is more complex compare with the Yamaha style,so,why so many DIYer to bulid the KRC style? Like this?
And use DKDI-31 schematic circuit to build the chokeable cymbal?
Can somebody help me Thanks!
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you nee

Postby dmitri » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:24 am

As long as you can build a cymbal with film switches for edge and bell you should use Yamaha schematic.
KRC is an attempt to simplify a proper piezo/switch/switch cymbal with a piezo/piezo/piezo cymbal simulating switches with two last piezos. It may not work very well if mechanical separation between bow/edge/bell piezos is not good enough which can cause false triggering on wrong zones.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you nee

Postby isque » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:48 am

Thank you Dmitri,now i see the more.the film switch may not easy to create,whatever i will try.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you nee

Postby Maylord.war » Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:30 pm

Hi all, this is a small video of my configuration with pcy150s


All the three zone works good without problem of crosstalk , only if i decrease the resistor with voltage divider under the cymbal the hard hit in the bow send a some velocity signal in the edge channel, is a electromagnetic noise?

Regards :D
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