Rockdudes MegaDrum attempt (Build log)

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Re: Rockdudes MegaDrum attempt (Build log)

Postby jman 31 » Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:35 pm

Pin 1 (VCC 5v) is the positive line. You will want to cut it in the middle. One side will go to the top or the bottom (doesn't matter which) pin on the switch. The other side will got to the middle pin of the switch. Whichever (top or bottom) pin that is left will not be connected to anything. That is really not an ideal switch for this because it is an on/off/on switch. You can however make it switch on either way (up or down) if you connect the two outside pins on the switch with a small piece of wire.

All you are doing is breaking the power to the board. It is a very simple on/off situation. You have slightly complicated it by the switch you have, but nothing that can't be worked around. Middle position on the switch will be off.
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Re: Rockdudes MegaDrum attempt (Build log)

Postby Firelord » Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:21 am

3A250VAC and 6A125VAC

That's the switch max. power ratings. MegaDrum doesn't handle this kind of power though, so there's no need to be concerned about it. It acutally means that the switch will withstand a max. current of 3A @ a voltage of 250V AC, or 6A @ 125V AC (AC means alternating current, like in your wall socket). Thus you have quite a universal switch for a variety of moderately high-power applications :-)
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Re: Rockdudes MegaDrum attempt (Build log)

Postby rockdude » Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:55 am

Thanks jman and firelord! It worked like a charm! 8-)

No that I'm high on confidence I might as well add two rotary encoders to accompany my buttons. The buttons work great, but it would be nice to change values on options with the rotary encoders. What kind of rotary encoders am I supposed to use? I have no clue of what type.
Can I use one of these? Pot 100kohm lin. Is it a rotary encoder at all?
I used those to reduce the sensitivity on my pads earlier, but can they also be used as rotary encoders on megadrum?
Please provide a link to something that would work if possible. I often shop at, but I don't really know what to search for :oops:
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Re: Rockdudes MegaDrum attempt (Build log)

Postby jman 31 » Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:54 am

No a pot won't work. I will try to find an encoder for you in a little while. Right now I am trying to get my kids off to school. :mrgreen: I know Dmitri has linked to some before, so you might try searching his posts.

jman 31
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Re: Rockdudes MegaDrum attempt (Build log)

Postby jman 31 » Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:33 am

Something along these lines should work.
jman 31
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Re: Rockdudes MegaDrum attempt (Build log)

Postby rockdude » Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:23 pm

Thanks for the info and link. I did as you suggested and searched dmitris posts and found this link: ... tt=9354042
I'll probably order those, but i have some questions first as always ;)
Why does it only have 3 pins when there seems to be 4 in the schematic of the encoders in Synthex schematic?
I probably misinterpret the schematic somehow.
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Re: Rockdudes MegaDrum attempt (Build log)

Postby jman 31 » Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:30 pm

rockdude wrote:Why does it only have 3 pins when there seems to be 4 in the schematic of the encoders in Synthex schematic?
I probably misinterpret the schematic somehow.

Probably, I'm not certain, but probably because pins 1 and 3 are connected and really only need to be one pin. Someone else will have to verify that though.
jman 31
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Re: Rockdudes MegaDrum attempt (Build log)

Postby rockdude » Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:13 pm

Hmm Mouser want me to pay 20 euro for shipping and Farnell only sells to companies. I have to find it somewhere else.

Edit: I think I might have found an option
Does that seem to be a valid choice?
I've seen some that says "with pushbutton", but that wouldn't be necessary would it?
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Re: Rockdudes MegaDrum attempt (Build log)

Postby rockdude » Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:18 pm

I took the plunge today and ordered the rotary encoders I mentioned:
And rotary buttons:

I've also started to work on a wood enclosure, so expect some pictures of my process pretty soon! I don't know if it will be any good, but so far so good :ugeek:
The hard thing will be to drill the holes for all the connections.
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Re: Rockdudes MegaDrum attempt (Build log)

Postby jman 31 » Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:25 am

Keep 'em coming Rockdude. I think this thread may help others out that have the same questions as you. I fumbled my way through it when I did all that stuff to mine. Please keep posting pictures, because people are a lot more apt to read a post if there are pretty pics! :mrgreen:
jman 31
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