Instead of further development and providing support ..

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby dmitri » Fri May 28, 2010 3:24 pm

fuzzysnuggleduck wrote:
dmitri wrote:I stated on the website and on the forum that MegaDrum is free for non-commercial use only. That simple as this. Selling MegaDrum without or with firmware is the same, you cannot load and use it with any other firmware. I'm not a lawyer, I'm not going to write 100 pages of terms and conditions. If I see I cannot fight thieves I will go encrypted firmware/bootloader route.

Does that mean that you'll remove the currently posted firmware versions from the forum/download page? How will making the next firmware version encrypted prevent people from selling the current MegaDrum hardware and firmware?

It doesn't mean anything yet. Do not think I have decided anything. An encrypted firmware is just a last resort which may be not necessary at all.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby rockdude » Fri May 28, 2010 5:24 pm

dmitri wrote:
fuzzysnuggleduck wrote:
dmitri wrote:An encrypted firmware is just a last resort which may be not necessary at all.

Good to hear. I almost became depressed for while thinking about MegaDrum being encrypted and commercial.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby e-drummer_br » Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:07 pm

Does that mean that you'll remove the currently posted firmware versions from the forum/download page?

I believe it is something interesting, that at least hinder new "pirates".

How will making the next firmware version encrypted prevent people from selling the current MegaDrum hardware and firmware?

Modifying the region of memory is already written in a way not to work (I believe), it changes the boot-loader and all new versions have not worked.
I mean I'm sympathetic to this modification, the encryption of the firmware. All programming microcontrollers is not easy, requires hours of work and much study and testing, deserves to be paid for it.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby dmitri » Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:40 pm

Just an update.

Unfortunately, the person, who was selling MegaDrum for profit without my permission, has not backed off even after admitting wrongdoing. In these circumstances I have no other choice but find a way to protect MegaDrum from unscrupulous leeches (the other choice being abandoning the project which I have no intention of doing). All new firmware versions will be encrypted and can be loaded only with a protected bootloader version which must be programmed by me. I promise to make the process of getting protected bootloader version as easy/cheap as possible for all DIYers (I have no intention to profit from this). I will make a detailed announcement later.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby Firelord » Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:08 pm

What can I say. Right now I can't think of any other way for you to protect MegaDrum from being commercially abused.

How effective is that encryption method anyway?
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby dmitri » Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:15 pm

It is a bad practice to reveal encryption protection methods. All I can say it that as of today there is no known way to break it in reasonable time frame (that is many many many years).
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby Firelord » Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:22 pm

dmitri wrote:It is a bad practice to reveal encryption protection methods.

I didn't ask you to reveal it. What I wanted to hear was this:
All I can say it that as of today there is no known way to break it in reasonable time frame (that is many many many years).
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby AngelOf_Shadow » Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:45 pm

I'm sorry, but I didn't understand the whole topic because of my English and knowledge of programming microcontrolers...
I understood that there is no way for me (person, who wants to build MegaDrum) to build it, because I'll just have no way to programe the Atmega32 (I wanted to do so in electronic shop next to my house). Is that correct?
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby Firelord » Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:03 pm

AngelOf_Shadow, you will be able to build MegaDrum all the way, it's just that you'll have to order the ATMega MCU from Dmitri. Then you'll be able to update the firmware by means of a pre-programmed boot-loader.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby Black Lykich » Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:28 pm

i think you must propose something new and great before updating to new protected bootloader ( anyway my firmware didn't want to update via boaloader). Now my MD works very well :) I'm happy!!! now i try to learn be a real drummerrrrrr. thank you dmitri for that cool device! I can't think up idea why i should buy new Atmega. i'll better give some money to dmitri for new firmware without sending Atmega all over the world. And that guy 'll sell MD with old firmware untill you invent something great.

PS sorry for my english(i learned it school very well. but it was long time ago and i forgot everything)
Black Lykich
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