Cables are correct, triple checked, continuity is perfect. I even removed the connectors from the cables and soldered the cables ends directly to the USB and ISCP headers to eliminate some issue with the connectors. I've double-checked my component orientation for those that require specific positive/negative orientation (1N4148, 47uF, 1uF, trim pot) and it appears correct. I'm assuming the 1N4148 has the positive where the black band is???? See them installed on the board in the picture below.
PIC SERIAL END - note I wired pin 4 back to pin 8 instead of soldering it mid-wire onto the lead coming from pin 8 though that should make no difference I think
Picture of board, including JACKS board USB wired to USB header on main board. Note pin 1 on JACKS is on left as pictured, while pin 1 on main board is on right and I've correctly wired everything correctly to that regard.
On the PIC ISCP header pin 3 is ground, and ISCP header pin 2 is correctly getting 5V as is pin 18 on the PIC. ISCP pin 4 connects to PIC pin 2, ISCP pin 5 connects to PIC pin 4, ISCP pin 6 connects to PIC pin 6. They're all passing continuity. Same with the USB header to the appropriate pins on the PIC. And I'm testing the actual leads on the PIC, not the socket, so my traces, solder points, and PIC socket are all connecting properly to the PIC itself.