Working great, this time I was able to easily dial in my piezo/piezo pads and got all 3 zones working without hassle. Now to make it perfect (aside from the MIDI led on at boot and the orange bars, but those are just aesthetic), I think I'm getting a bit more crosstalk than before. I can get rid of it by grouping pads and raising the level, but a very annoying side-effect is that a hard hit on a rim zone (it mostly seems to be with rims, switch ones too) causes lighter hits on head zones in the same xtalk group to be cancelled for about a full second. E.g. if I'm doing a rim/head pattern on the snare, a hard rim hit will stop head notes for that full second, causing loads of missed hits if it's a fast pattern.
Another thing I feel is that flams are harder to achieve than before - you have to really separate the two hits for both of them to register. On my mesh pads I've got retrigger at 1 and DynLevel/DynTime at 1/4 so can't really go any lower than that, but it still seems that the false trigger suppression is too aggressive.