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DB note latency

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:59 am
by Sylv1co
I'm working hard on an erzatz of a HPD10 hand percussion (but with piezo and switch), and I've got some trouble with a rim switch, that trig a DBnote instead of a Mnote (or Mbnote) in MD. Changing my switch position is impossible, so is there a way to increase the time that MD wait to change a Mnote into a DBnote? I need to use the three way Yamaha style capability and this switch problem don't allow me to use it.

Re: DB note latency

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:02 am
by dmitri
I don't quite get what the problem is.

Re: DB note latency

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:49 pm
by Sylv1co
When you play conga or djembe, to make a slap note, you need to touch the edge of the drum with the palm of your hand about 1ms before hitting the head with your fingertips (this way your fingers are projected on the head). I put a switch on the edge of my drum but when my fingertips hit the head, its too late, MD have changed Mnote into DBnote. So is it possible to increase the time MD wait before changing a Mnote into a DBnote?

Re: DB note latency

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:37 pm
by dmitri
I still don't follow. If you want an MNote than don't touch the switch or set the DBNote equal to the MNote.

Re: DB note latency

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:25 pm
by Sylv1co
If I don't touch any switch, I want MD to give me another note to make the Bass sound.
I've got another switch on the head in the area near the edge. I touch this switch when I play open tone note. In fact when I play open tone note, I touch both edge switch (wired in serie with 10kohm) and the head switch (wired with 0 kohms).
I need three notes: bass note when I touch no switch, Slap note when I touch edge switch, Open tone note when I touch both edge and head switch (or only head switch).
If I play an open tone (Rim Mnote), and I set the DBnote equal to the Mnote, I can't have the open tone note, MD give a DBnote instead of, am I wrong?

This switches works on a Roland TMC-6 in three way (with two jacks), it gives the priority to the head switch, and it waits enough time to get the slap note (but not the Roland TD-10).

Re: DB note latency

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:58 pm
by dmitri
With a three zone Yamaha style pad/cymbal (one stereo jack, the edge switch is wired via a 10k resistor) and provided ANote/PNote are equal to Note on the head/rim and ABNote/PBNote are equal to BNote:

1. Head Note is played when you hit the pad without touching any switches.
2. Rim Note is played when you hit the rim switch.
3. BNote is played when you hit the bow switch.
4. DBNote is played when you hold either the edge or the bow switch first and then hit the pad.

So, which of these 4 doesn't work?

Re: DB note latency

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:45 pm
by Sylv1co
The one wich is wired with a 10k resistor (Number 2 or 3 in your list). It give me a DB note instead, because the switch is pressed about 1ms before the head is hit.

Re: DB note latency

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:55 pm
by dmitri
Why is it pressed if you hit the head?

Re: DB note latency

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:11 pm
by Sylv1co
Because on a real conga or djembe, to make a slap you need to hit the edge of the drum with the palm of your hand before your fingertips hit the head, this is why there's a small latency between the switch to be pressed and the head to be hit.

Re: DB note latency

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:57 pm
by dmitri
I will look into possibility of making the "edge switch hold time" for the DBNote adjustable. A video demo of a slap compared to a normal hit would be helpful as well.