Synthex PCBs available for homemade PCBs?

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Synthex PCBs available for homemade PCBs?

Postby ArnoNym » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:06 pm

Hi everybody....

i try to contact synthex for months - he is up and away !!!!!

Has anybody the synthex pcbs (especially the input boards) as jpg or picture so i can use this for my own etching?

latest versions are:
- mainboard pcb is v3.2 i think
- input pcb is v1.8 i guess

hope anybody can help me out ..... thanx a lot

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Re: Synthex PCBs available for homemade PCBs?

Postby jman 31 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:55 pm

No. His last version that is available was the 32 input v2.5. After that they were all double layer boards which is hard for the average DIY'er to replicate so he never posted them.
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Re: Synthex PCBs available for homemade PCBs?

Postby timekeeper » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:12 am

ArnoNym wrote:Hi everybody....

i try to contact synthex for months - he is up and away !!!!!

Has anybody the synthex pcbs (especially the input boards) as jpg or picture so i can use this for my own etching?

latest versions are:
- mainboard pcb is v3.2 i think
- input pcb is v1.8 i guess

hope anybody can help me out ..... thanx a lot


Synthex has provided the pcb for Inputs board v1.8 which you can find here viewtopic.php?f=3&t=462
The latest motherboard he released as a pcb was v2.5 which has 32 inputs. The design is great, I build it myself. Of course you will need a pre-sensitized board for this design. You can read all about it here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=198

Good luck!
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