NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Conf

Hi @all,
i have a similar problem like the one found here: (Missing NoteOff messages).
Some days ago i suddenly had the Midi communication working through USB, but only for one evening... So i started testing around and trying to reproduce the problem, which somehow reminds me to this issue:
What i've found out:
1) When "AutoLoad Conf" is set to yes, the NoteOn/NoteOff messages are kind of reversed - after the first hit only a NoteOn message is sent, following hits start with a NoteOff message and afterwards a NoteOn message is sent. This bevaviour is only related to USB communication, Midi In and Out are both working perfectly, regardless of the AutoLoad Conf setting.
2) Setting "AutoLoad Conf" to no, the NoteOn and NoteOff messages are sent as expected. Even if i load the config manually using "Load config 1", the messages are not reversed and MD is working fine...
During testing, i used no Midi In or Out cables, only USB and one Pad. I tried it on several PCs (Win7 x86, Win7, x64, 2x WinXP), with several USB cables, without changes.
To my MD: I've built the PCBs with prototype boards, having a slightly different PCB arrangement: one for USB & Midi sockets, one microcontroller board, and a single board for each muxer with 4 Jacks. I'll post some photos later. It's an AtMega644 with the most recent firmware 20110510 (i had the issue on previous versions too), and the Pic 2550 with the last firmware. I had nothing but MidiOX running on the PC's and Midi thru not activated on MD, neiter on PC.
Any help, hint or comment is highly appreciated!
i have a similar problem like the one found here: (Missing NoteOff messages).
Some days ago i suddenly had the Midi communication working through USB, but only for one evening... So i started testing around and trying to reproduce the problem, which somehow reminds me to this issue:
What i've found out:
1) When "AutoLoad Conf" is set to yes, the NoteOn/NoteOff messages are kind of reversed - after the first hit only a NoteOn message is sent, following hits start with a NoteOff message and afterwards a NoteOn message is sent. This bevaviour is only related to USB communication, Midi In and Out are both working perfectly, regardless of the AutoLoad Conf setting.
2) Setting "AutoLoad Conf" to no, the NoteOn and NoteOff messages are sent as expected. Even if i load the config manually using "Load config 1", the messages are not reversed and MD is working fine...
During testing, i used no Midi In or Out cables, only USB and one Pad. I tried it on several PCs (Win7 x86, Win7, x64, 2x WinXP), with several USB cables, without changes.
To my MD: I've built the PCBs with prototype boards, having a slightly different PCB arrangement: one for USB & Midi sockets, one microcontroller board, and a single board for each muxer with 4 Jacks. I'll post some photos later. It's an AtMega644 with the most recent firmware 20110510 (i had the issue on previous versions too), and the Pic 2550 with the last firmware. I had nothing but MidiOX running on the PC's and Midi thru not activated on MD, neiter on PC.
Any help, hint or comment is highly appreciated!