estregan wrote:slayer666 wrote:Which trigger method are you using?
I had them problems too and instead of adding a resistor or a pot,
I changed the way the piezo was placed and the size (I went from 35mm to a 20mm piezo).
As soon as my wife gets home with the camera I'll show you how I did it.
I have hot pads. I'm using roland type mesh design with a crossbar running through the middle of the shell. I'm also using 20mm piezo mounted dead center. I only encounter overspilling when I hit the pad dead center of the piezo.
Ok, Here's how I did it:
5 Remo practice pads
2 IKEA round mousepads
5 piezos 20mm diameter
1. Remove the fabric on the topside of the mousepads.
2. Glue the mousepads together using a contactglue (elastic). The double mousepad should be approx. 9mm thick.
3. Make a puncher (I think it's called that) the same diameter as the brassdisc on piezo and another puncher the same width as the ceramic on piezo.
4. Stamp 5 discs of each size.
5. Solder the wires on the piezo
6. Apply the 20mm disc on the brass side of the piezo using thin doublesided tape
7. Apply the small disc to the ceramic side of piezo using thin doublesided tape (Tape on both sides).
8. Place the piezo
brass side up 3mm from the rim, Not dead center.
9. Now put the thing together again and you're done.
Estregan, I assume that you're using drumshells so you might have to adjust the placing of the crossbar to make the new piezo reach the mesh.
No hotspot anymore!!
Ps. I'll return with pics soon.