MegaDrum HiHat configuration for VST instruments

Dear @dmitri,
since long time one post from me here.
Since some days I try to optimize the HiHat settings from MegDrum for the VST instrument Toontrack Superior Drummer. And this seems to be not easy for me.
The facts:
Superior Drummer use for SDX "New York Studios" Library seven HiHat articulations each for Bow and Edge: (for Bell three articulations)
Tight Values from 126 to 127
Closed 120-125
Open (1) 90-119
Open (2) 60-89
Open (3) 30-59
Open (4) 8-29
Open (5) 1-7
Additional SD (Superior Drummer) offers two more articulations for HiHat:
Foot Splash
You can set the note numbers in MegaDrum for closed, semi-closed, half-open and semi-open and this means you can administer in MegaDrum four HiHat articulations. I'm right? This means you can not get the full range of HiHat articulations from VST instruments like SD.
Because SD do not need any information for different note numbers like semi/half open/closed and so on. To disable this notes numbers in MegaDrum to zero does not work with SD! Then there is still no HiHat sound in the instrument! SD needs just following note numbers:
Bow, Edge - if 3-way Hat - Bell, Chick and Foot Splash. All the additional articulations does SD administrate it self by default HiHat pedal CC messages #4# from values 1 to 127!
So I think the point is to optimize MegaDrum HiHat settings specially for VST instruments which comes with a lot of HiHat articulations, is a new option in one of the next firmware update to deactivate all Semi/half open/closed parameters but still sending the Bow/Edge and Bell note numbers and of course the HiHat pedal CC messages with full range from 0-127! Is this possible @dmitri? This would be very fine to use the MegaDrum with advanced HiHat features from VST instruments like SD.
Since some weeks I have another problem: When I use the HiHat foot pedal and MegaDrum is sending all the pedal CC messages to SD my host program crashes after a while! (never mind if Cubase or Toontrack Solo host) And also it blocks one audio track in my RME audio-interface! This is dramatically bad here! This is definitively the HiHat controller! If I use just the HiHat pad all other instruments or also a normal Midi keyboard I can trigger SD days along without crashing! My Idea is maybe that those CC messages which MegaDrum is sending are to much. I ask you this long time ago: Sound modules like ROLAND do have one option to reduce pedal cc messages when sending it via midi. (Maybe also for CC messages for positional sensing for snare) Probability with several steps as options for this to get different ways of reducing data. Could be also in general helpfully for improve midi timing at all.
Another idea is: SD use for pedal CC messages the values from 1-127 and not from 0-127! Maybe one additional option to set the value ranges of CC messages in MegaDrum would be helpful for this as well.
So @dmitri, thank you very much for your time and with best regards
since long time one post from me here.

Since some days I try to optimize the HiHat settings from MegDrum for the VST instrument Toontrack Superior Drummer. And this seems to be not easy for me.
The facts:
Superior Drummer use for SDX "New York Studios" Library seven HiHat articulations each for Bow and Edge: (for Bell three articulations)
Tight Values from 126 to 127
Closed 120-125
Open (1) 90-119
Open (2) 60-89
Open (3) 30-59
Open (4) 8-29
Open (5) 1-7
Additional SD (Superior Drummer) offers two more articulations for HiHat:
Foot Splash
You can set the note numbers in MegaDrum for closed, semi-closed, half-open and semi-open and this means you can administer in MegaDrum four HiHat articulations. I'm right? This means you can not get the full range of HiHat articulations from VST instruments like SD.
Because SD do not need any information for different note numbers like semi/half open/closed and so on. To disable this notes numbers in MegaDrum to zero does not work with SD! Then there is still no HiHat sound in the instrument! SD needs just following note numbers:
Bow, Edge - if 3-way Hat - Bell, Chick and Foot Splash. All the additional articulations does SD administrate it self by default HiHat pedal CC messages #4# from values 1 to 127!
So I think the point is to optimize MegaDrum HiHat settings specially for VST instruments which comes with a lot of HiHat articulations, is a new option in one of the next firmware update to deactivate all Semi/half open/closed parameters but still sending the Bow/Edge and Bell note numbers and of course the HiHat pedal CC messages with full range from 0-127! Is this possible @dmitri? This would be very fine to use the MegaDrum with advanced HiHat features from VST instruments like SD.
Since some weeks I have another problem: When I use the HiHat foot pedal and MegaDrum is sending all the pedal CC messages to SD my host program crashes after a while! (never mind if Cubase or Toontrack Solo host) And also it blocks one audio track in my RME audio-interface! This is dramatically bad here! This is definitively the HiHat controller! If I use just the HiHat pad all other instruments or also a normal Midi keyboard I can trigger SD days along without crashing! My Idea is maybe that those CC messages which MegaDrum is sending are to much. I ask you this long time ago: Sound modules like ROLAND do have one option to reduce pedal cc messages when sending it via midi. (Maybe also for CC messages for positional sensing for snare) Probability with several steps as options for this to get different ways of reducing data. Could be also in general helpfully for improve midi timing at all.
Another idea is: SD use for pedal CC messages the values from 1-127 and not from 0-127! Maybe one additional option to set the value ranges of CC messages in MegaDrum would be helpful for this as well.
So @dmitri, thank you very much for your time and with best regards