Configuring using Megadrum Config Tool Problem

Hi all,
I've recently updated my firmware from the original supplied to 20111006 and also downloaded the latest (I believe) Megadrum Config Tool version 1.84. The upgrade appeared to go well after much reading on here and by eventually using the Mac command line tool mdfwupdate binary downloaded from this forum (a thousand thanks to the author).
I now have two problems, one is new and the other I've never tried before so i can't say if it's since the upgrade or not.
1. Super fast controls on the MD unit.
When I twiddle the knobs (particularly the left to select the config item) it seems to move between options so fast that it often skips options even if I only turn it one ratchet notch at a time. This didn't happen on my old firmware, in fact quite the opposite ion that the option often wouldn't move on until I'd moved it several notches. This is making it difficult to configure the unit from the panel.
2. The MCT.
Because of (1) I thought I'd try this, never having used it before. I like it but it doesn't seem to send my updates to the MD. It says it has and it reports no issues in the application log, but it doesn't actually appear to send my updates. I've tried sending all, sending individual pads, sending all and writing to slot 1. Each time the notification bar says "sent". It also doesn't seem to read the settings on the MD, so I'm assuming it's a general communication issue. The midi monitor in the tool seems to work fine and shows my midi values and velocities ok, so it's not completely cut off.
Help would be gratefully received, and a screenshot of my config is attached.
Thanks, in advance.
[EDIT] - Most of my tests were done using bootloader V, not V3 as shown below. That was just experimentation for the sake of it. Also, I have run the Mandolane MIDI test utility amd when the USB was selected it, in doing whatever it is it does, made the red light flash on the MD unit. The MCT never makes the red light flash in any way. I assume that it's failing to talk over the USB port but gives every indication that it is (by sating "Sending..." quickly followed by "Sent").
[EDIT 2] - I ran the MegadrumManager from the command line to see what happened. I got this but no other messages at all during the get/send attempts :
$ java -jar MegaDrumManager.signed.jar
Mandolane MIDI SPI for OS X 10.5 or later Version 4.00
The options in the config page for the midi ports are (and I've tried them all) :
Midi In-
Plug1 <MIn:0>
Megadrum USB MIDI <MIn:1>
Megadrum USB MIDI
Real Time Sequencer
Midi Out -
Plug1 <MIn:0>
Megadrum USB MIDI <MIn:1>
Megadrum USB MIDI
Real Time Sequencer
Java Sound Synthesiser
I've recently updated my firmware from the original supplied to 20111006 and also downloaded the latest (I believe) Megadrum Config Tool version 1.84. The upgrade appeared to go well after much reading on here and by eventually using the Mac command line tool mdfwupdate binary downloaded from this forum (a thousand thanks to the author).
I now have two problems, one is new and the other I've never tried before so i can't say if it's since the upgrade or not.
1. Super fast controls on the MD unit.
When I twiddle the knobs (particularly the left to select the config item) it seems to move between options so fast that it often skips options even if I only turn it one ratchet notch at a time. This didn't happen on my old firmware, in fact quite the opposite ion that the option often wouldn't move on until I'd moved it several notches. This is making it difficult to configure the unit from the panel.
2. The MCT.
Because of (1) I thought I'd try this, never having used it before. I like it but it doesn't seem to send my updates to the MD. It says it has and it reports no issues in the application log, but it doesn't actually appear to send my updates. I've tried sending all, sending individual pads, sending all and writing to slot 1. Each time the notification bar says "sent". It also doesn't seem to read the settings on the MD, so I'm assuming it's a general communication issue. The midi monitor in the tool seems to work fine and shows my midi values and velocities ok, so it's not completely cut off.
Help would be gratefully received, and a screenshot of my config is attached.
Thanks, in advance.
[EDIT] - Most of my tests were done using bootloader V, not V3 as shown below. That was just experimentation for the sake of it. Also, I have run the Mandolane MIDI test utility amd when the USB was selected it, in doing whatever it is it does, made the red light flash on the MD unit. The MCT never makes the red light flash in any way. I assume that it's failing to talk over the USB port but gives every indication that it is (by sating "Sending..." quickly followed by "Sent").
[EDIT 2] - I ran the MegadrumManager from the command line to see what happened. I got this but no other messages at all during the get/send attempts :
$ java -jar MegaDrumManager.signed.jar
Mandolane MIDI SPI for OS X 10.5 or later Version 4.00
The options in the config page for the midi ports are (and I've tried them all) :
Midi In-
Plug1 <MIn:0>
Megadrum USB MIDI <MIn:1>
Megadrum USB MIDI
Real Time Sequencer
Midi Out -
Plug1 <MIn:0>
Megadrum USB MIDI <MIn:1>
Megadrum USB MIDI
Real Time Sequencer
Java Sound Synthesiser