MIDI transmission suddenly stops

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

MIDI transmission suddenly stops

Postby germtangc » Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:39 am

Does anybody else experience MIDI transmission from MD to PC halts during drum playing? It's weird because I don't hear a "usb disconnect sound" and the megadrum seems to register every hit from the pads even after midi transmission stops. I use both MIDI-OX and EZDrummer and after the condition arises both software doesn't register any midi from megadrum. These are the current condition of my megadrum:

1. I used last unencrypted firmware for evaluation of my self designed pcb.
2. I used ATMEGA324 and PIC18F2550 both at 20MHz.
3. Used TC4051BP and BAT85's.
4. My pads are homemade mesh types. These pads are determined by me to be "cold". No cymbals yet.
5. The time from turning on the MD to the problem arising is random. Sometimes a few seconds up to minutes.
6. The problem seems to surface during fast rolls.

I would buy a MIDI to USB adapter to see if the problem only occurs using USB connection thru the PIC.

Another problem is if I set the HIHAT PEDAL to FOOT CTRL, the megadrum randomly transmits CC signals even with no pedal connected and causes the same stopping of midi signal, like it's flooding or overloading the transmission, I can see through MIDI-OX that it transmits a long string of CC messages before it ultimately stops transmitting MIDI altogether. Setting the HIHAT PEDAL to POT seems to prevent the "CC overflow" described but doesn't stop the problem arising from hitting the pads.
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Joined: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:11 pm

Re: MIDI transmission suddenly stops

Postby dmitri » Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:50 am

germtangc wrote:Another problem is if I set the HIHAT PEDAL to FOOT CTRL, the megadrum randomly transmits CC signals even with no pedal connected and causes the same stopping of midi signal, like it's flooding or overloading the transmission, I can see through MIDI-OX that it transmits a long string of CC messages before it ultimately stops transmitting MIDI altogether. Setting the HIHAT PEDAL to POT seems to prevent the "CC overflow" described but doesn't stop the problem arising from hitting the pads.

It has been asked many times. Adjust High and LowLevel on the pedal to be far apart even if you don't have a pedal connected.

I cannot tell you the reason why you are loosing MIDI over USB after a while if you say the PC doesn't register a USB disconnect/connect.
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Re: MIDI transmission suddenly stops

Postby germtangc » Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:24 pm

Managed to buy a USB MIDI cable. The problem is gone after using megadrum midi. The problem must be with the PIC.
Posts: 31
Joined: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:11 pm

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