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2 zone yamaha cymbal

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:49 pm
by Russ15
I am trying to make a diy 2 zone yamaha cymbal but am having trouble. Currently I'm working with the edge switch but it is not working properly when using it with BFD2. The bow piezo works great, however I am not getting any sound when activating the switch.

I am using two metal pieces of brass cut to the same size, and the wiring is show here (polarity is reversed on piezo vs image shown)... ... wiring.jpg

Plate 1 would be the top metal piece connected to Ring
Plate 2 would be the bottom metal piece connected to Sleeve (taking the place of an actual cymbal)

Under hi hat settings:
Dual head is set to yes
Each note is assigned to MNote for Bow and Edge but only bow is working.
Tried setting threshold very low on edge but still nothing as well as minscan and retrigger but still nothing... I really thought that it should be as easy as touching the two metal plates together to create the edge sound, but this doesn't seem to be working?

I have checked everything with the multimeter and all connections are solid. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: 2 zone yamaha cymbal

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:21 am
by dmitri
Russ15 wrote:Dual head is set to yes

And Type on the Rim is set to ...?

Re: 2 zone yamaha cymbal

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:21 am
by Maylord.war
Hi Russ

First of all check your connection of continuity when the switch is pressed.

For the switch input you must to raise ( don't decrease ) the threshold level, try to raise on 35 or 45.

Try to see what happen on MegadrumManager on the midi log window.

If don't work properly restart your megadrum with default settings, change the edge value to " dual head to yes and type:switch" , go to " set all edge switch" press up and hit you edge.

Most important, The type of switch is made ​​similar to this ... C00063.jpg ?

I ask this because there are projects to build single switch ONLY for choke and not to use the second edge zone ( for example this : )

Re: 2 zone yamaha cymbal

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:30 am
by Russ15
dmitri wrote:
Russ15 wrote:Dual head is set to yes

And Type on the Rim is set to ...?

It is set to switch

Re: 2 zone yamaha cymbal

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:51 am
by dmitri
Then follow what Maylord.war said.

Re: 2 zone yamaha cymbal

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:53 am
by Russ15
Thanks, I'll report back with findings

Re: 2 zone yamaha cymbal

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:29 pm
by Russ15
Ok I have experimented with the settings for edge/switch and bow and I can get it to where the switch activates nicely (around 47 threshold) with a HighLevel around 180. The bow note however is making the same note as the switch when hit even though I have assigned two separate notes... one for bow and one for switch.

I have read this from the manual:
Input switch threshold. Sets below which level the switch is detected as hit/pressed. Note that on the switch Rim/Edge inputs actual velocity is determined by signal from a piezo on a Head/Bow input. The best way to set a correct threshold on a switch input is to use MIDI-OX to monitor 'aftertouch' MIDI messages. With a proper threshold value you should see 2 or 3 (dual zone or 3way/3 zone pad) 'aftertouch' on' MIDI messages when you press the switch and 2 or 3 'aftertouch off' MIDI messages when you release the switch.

At 47 threshold and running in midi-ox i can get aftertouch but only when i physically touch both the top and bottom plate of the switch with my fingers.... this works regardless if the switch is open or closed. This does not work if pushing the switch together with a drumstick. I am also unable to get aftertouch to activate when hitting the switch only (with a drumstick), although the note is being generated. I'm wondering if this has something to do with the design?

Again here is a link to what I am building (removing the bell switch) ... -ok.jpg.... it is essentially a 3 zone yamaha cymbal with the bell zone removed. I have also removed the 10k resistor from the edge switch.

First thing to get past I suppose is the aftertouch issue, then I can work on the bow and switch note separation

Re: 2 zone yamaha cymbal

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:17 am
by dmitri
Reduce the Threshold on the Edge until you get a bow note when hitting the Bow.