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Single Piezo Trigger - "Red Shot Brand"

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:16 am
by Nicholas
These appear to be quite a sensitive trigger & I am about to switch out an accoustic drum head for a mesh head,

I havn't tried any settings with a mesh head yet but I am having huge problems configuring the snare settings in megadrum for dynamics.

Had manged to set up for slow singles / doubles but anything to do with rolls etc has been a nightmare so will have more information hopefully when installed the mesh head in my experiments.

Re: Single Piezo Trigger - "Red Shot Brand"

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:52 am
by angr77
Hi there!

I am guessing that we are talking about the DDrum Red Shot triggers?

In that case, these triggers do have the same piezos as their professional lines, the black triggers. Only difference is the packaging of the trigger, which is a bit make them more inexpensive.

I have used the black triggers and have a post about this with my settings.

Looking on these setiings now, i would suspect that these triggers are bit too hot.
So adding a e.g. 15K ohm resistor would make magic to the performance.

I have been running the Roland RT-10K series for a year...with ok result...but when doing a small project with some other triggers from 682DRUMs...I realized that the RT-10 series was way too hot!!

So when I installed resistors on the inputs for these triggers...i realized that i have lost a year!! :-)...the triggers became very smooth and nice!!


Re: Single Piezo Trigger - "Red Shot Brand"

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:37 am
by Nicholas
Thank you I will look into your settings & the 15k ohm resistor, I was thinking these things might be a bit hot but as I am still new to megadrum configurations there are a lot of variables to get ones head around, its more time than anything to experiment with the results

Re: Single Piezo Trigger - "Red Shot Brand"

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:54 am
by angr77
Any luck with the Red Triggers??

Best Regards