unrealistic feature request?

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

unrealistic feature request?

Postby Trommeltotti » Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:32 am

Dear @dmitri,

since people in the German DrummerForum are still discussion about not easy/or maybe complicated configure the MegaDrum module and sometimes the problem to get easily a smooth natural dynamic range and precision trigger results with all the adjustable parameters, I just think (probably dreaming) about a different way to get best results with the MegaDrum project.

I'm speaking about a "automatic tutorial system" or "automatic learning process" inside MegaDrum. For example: I press a "learning button HiHat" for the HiHat input. I play a while on this HiHat with all my personalized human dynamic ranges, with all HiHat zones available, with all continuously HiHat positions from fully closed up to fully open and after a while MegaDrum analysis my playing and generates a storable optimized preset for the HiHat input.

Then the same for next Input: (example snare drum) Pressing "learning button snare drum" playing it a while MegaDrum detects (while playing the whole skin) positional sensing on this input and looking automatically for best parameters to this. Also MegaDrum identify automatically different piezo technology like piezo/piezo or piezo/switch and so on and analysis it while playing for best results between rim and head hits. (also bow - edge and bell) After doing this for all using inputs I press "learning button crosstalk" playing a while the whole drum set with full dynamic range and get in learning mode best global values for each crosstalk settings. Of course after all I could fine tune manual each parameters for best results.

On other words: MegaDrum is able to scan each piezo trigger with its special technical characteristics and generates automatic best individual values for this.

I know, there are many parameters inside MegaDrum and those helpfully automatic learning processes are perhaps just a dream but maybe with the new ARM based board there are some capacitance to realize such nice features.

Thank you very much I hope I can start with this idea a new way to get the MegaDrum more easily compatible with different hardware gear and different human drummers with varied dynamic aspects to play this MegaDrum well.

With best regards

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Re: unrealistic feature request?

Postby dmitri » Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:24 am

Indeed, it would have been very nice to make MegaDrum to auto configure itself but its nearly impossible for reasons other than MCU type or available memory. I'll give you an example.
Say we have two different HiHat controllers. Both give raw level reading 100 when fully closed and 1000 when fully open. The difference between them is that one has 120-980 working range and another has 800-850 working range. Suppose we have auto configuration enabled for HiHat pedal. Just by reading levels from the pedal MegaDrum won't be able to distinguish between two pedal types so it will auto assign same values to LowLevel/HiLevel for both types and although these values will work for one pedal they will not work at all for another.
And similar technical difficulties will happen with pads and cymbals.
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