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2 piezo-3 sample how is that?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:13 pm
by cagrisari
I tried make a pos sensing snare pad. But my knowledge is not enough. I give up.

So, I am begining make a tom pad. Use Addictive drum. I have got some questions.
I know 2 piezo trigering 3 sample. But how?
For example;
When I hit head piezo, sound must be "tom open"
When I hit only rim piezo(glued shell), sound must be "rim only" or nothing
When I hit both of head and rim piezo at the same time, sound must be "rim shot"
Am I wrong?

I wired two piezo and plug in megadrum input 7. (tom1)
I set dualhead in tom1H menu.
I opened Addictive drums and started to shoot.

When I hit head piezo, it sounds "Tom open"---- it is true
When I hit only rim, it sounds "tom rimshot" whyyy?????? it must be "click" or "rim only"
When I hit both of piezo at the same time(rim shot), it sounds "tom open" and "tom rim shot" together. IT IS WRONG

what should I do?

Re: 2 piezo-3 sample how is that?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:46 pm
by ignotus
cagrisari wrote:When I hit head piezo, it sounds "Tom open"---- it is true
When I hit only rim, it sounds "tom rimshot" whyyy?????? it must be "click" or "rim only"
When I hit both of piezo at the same time(rim shot), it sounds "tom open" and "tom rim shot" together. IT IS WRONG
No, it's not, take it easy. If you look at the articulations for toms in Addictive Drums, you just have open hits and rimshots, no clicks or rims only. According to your description, the tom is behaving exactly as it should.
cagrisari wrote:I know 2 piezo trigering 3 sample.
No, not for toms in Addictive Drums.
cagrisari wrote:I tried make a pos sensing snare pad. But my knowledge is not enough. I give up.

Was the problem with your build or with the configuration? I have positional sensing enabled in AD, and while it's cool to have, it's not as if you're missing out on an essential feature. How did you make your snare pad? A simple crossbar with a piezo and foam cone should get you going, and there are far more important parameters that need sorting out first than pos. sensing, which will probably be easier to get once the rest is configured properly.

This project is definitely not for the easily frustrated ;)

Re: 2 piezo-3 sample how is that?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:01 pm
by cagrisari
ignotus wrote:. According to your description, the tom is behaving exactly as it should.

yes, Addictive drums support only two samples for tom but,
When I hit both of head and rim piezo at the same time, its sounds both of sample (rim open+rimshot) but it must be only rimshot

That is the problem.

Re: 2 piezo-3 sample how is that?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:31 pm
by ignotus
cagrisari wrote:When I hit both of head and rim piezo at the same time, its sounds both of sample (rim open+rimshot) but it must be only rimshot

Then you'll have to play around with DualMidPoint and DualMidWidth, and make sure MBNote is set to the same note as the rimshot.

Re: 2 piezo-3 sample how is that?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:51 pm
by dmitri
I can only confirm everything that ignotus said.

Re: 2 piezo-3 sample how is that?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:49 pm
by cagrisari
Oleyyy! :)) I did it. Thank you very much.